Piolo, be ready to work hard–and grapple with an exec

Because Piolo Pascual has reached a turning point in his cycle, there may be some big decisions he has to make, particularly regarding which country he prefers to spend most of his time in. Hard work is on the cards, but by the same token, wonderful opportunities in the coming months ensure his success throughout the coming two years.  His relationships are very private as he shuns the media when it comes to his personal affairs. For the time being, he may have to grapple with an executive or employment problem, which is stemming from a clash of egos.


You are impulsive just now, especially in matters of love and friendship. Shooting from the hip is not advisable. You may be baffled by meaningless talk this week, even though it doesn’t seem meaningless to the one doing the talking. The question is, how much time can you spend dealing with people who are talking nonsense?


It’s a new week, which means you’ll need to make a daring bid for new beginnings. This has more to do with your emotional connection to others than anything else. Dust off those old photographs and memorabilia in the attic or the basement because the past has some appeal to you this week. You’ll have fun, albeit quietly by yourself, rummaging through these old memories.


You may need to start a new program, a plan or reinstate your resolutions in romance. Ridding yourself of bad habits is on your mind. If admiration is what you’re after during this cycle, the law of the universe is that you must first promote it in others. Try this even though it seems to be back to front.


You need to be verbally engaged, intellectually plugged in, and humorously entertained with friends. You will expand your social circle now. Try not to be sidetracked by what everyone else is doing this week  but focus on what you have to create.  To ensure all your senses are satisfied, eat before you start!


If you’ve felt apprehensive about telling someone how you feel about them, gather your courage together and just do it! Fear is your only enemy this week. You also need to wear uniquely loose-fitting garments because you may not be aware tight clothing is affecting your moods and even your physical well-being. Rethink your wardrobe.


You’ll get what you want this week  but may be less than satisfied once you have it. Be careful what you desire. You may know what you want to say in a certain situation but will be too slow off the mark to do it. You could miss an opportunity but at least a valuable lesson will be learned.


Something you said recently may be repeated but it will not be conveyed accurately and will be difficult to find out who the culprit is. You need to give more attention to your financial affairs and some quick thinking on your part will open doors you hadn’t even considered.


An increase in love and affection is just around the corner, but you need to be prepared to ask the right questions. Don’t take anything as a done deal until you get to know someone better first.  You could be feeling fuzzy-headed this week  as well as restless. Don’t let relationships dictate how you feel. You are the master of your destiny.


It’s not a good idea to mix alcohol with social requirements for the time being. Forget about what you’ve heard.  Be careful of the go-between in introductions. If you are in the mood for Mr. or Miss Right, it’s all the more important to study the messenger. Extra scrutiny may be needed now.


You can have a bright and inspiring time and workplace affairs will bring you a great deal of fun and satisfaction. You need to feel good about yourself, so if you’ve been neglected, now is the time for that beauty treatment or quiet weekend away. You can make great strides in any form of relationship.


You may be annoyed at someone calling on you unexpectedly. You see this as a remark of disrespect. Don’t be afraid to say no if you’re not in the mood to hang out with people. You’ll need to deal with someone on the homefront, a family member requires some assistance with a niggling problem.


You feel confident but others may not be seeing this. You have to accessorize to reflect this fact. You could be self-righteous this week,  believing that your position is completely correct. You may be surprised to learn there is another way of seeing things.  You’re having powerful dreams which can be premonitions of things to come.

Your Karma: Q&A with Dadhichi

Hi Dadhichi,

I am a Scorpio and having very difficult, troubled times right now. My old love, the love of my life, came back into the picture and we are desperately trying to make  something positive out of it. But many heads will fall if we do. —From LA, Taal

This is your life and the decisions you make, although impacting others, are primarily for you to experience. From what I can see, his and your family, in particular, are trying to emotionally blackmail you and it’s up to you to stand up to this and fulfill your destiny, especially if you both love each other. These people will eventually come around. Good luck. Regards, Dadhichi.

Dadhichi is director of www.astrolo

gy.com.au.  You can contact Dadhichi at dadhichi@astrology.com.au.