A dream reveals an illicit affair

Part III

Is it possible to see in a dream an intimate moment between a man and a woman? Apparently, yes.


In 2005 or 2006, a 35-year-old married woman, whom we shall call Cecille, attended all my seminars and later told me her life had been transformed because of what she learned there.

She and her husband were active members of a well-known religious group where she taught catechism to children.

We easily became friends and would occasionally have lunch or dinner to exchange ideas. Our relationship was platonic. I found her to be very sensitive, open-minded  and intellectually curious. But I didn’t know much about her personal life, which she avoided discussing with me. Our conversations centered on her mystical experiences.

Less than six months after meeting her, I had a vivid dream about a very slim, relatively tall woman with a long hair who looked Italian to me. She was in a room completely naked; on the edge of the bed, sat a man with a very sad face. He sat almost motionless on that bed for a long time. I sensed in my dream that the two have just had sex, but the woman wanted to end the relationship, and this saddened him.

In the dream, I saw myself standing at the door watching them but they could not see me. I woke up with a very vivid recollection of the dream.

Relating the dream

The next day, I somehow managed to tell Cecile about that dream. Cecille expressed great surprise—she said that was precisely the situation she was in the night before. My dream could only have referred to her.

In my dream I couldn’t tell who she was but I knew I had met the woman.

Cecille said that my dream was, in truth, about her and another man—the details were exactly as they happened to her. Apparently, she felt torn. She and the man had some business relationship and therefore, it was very difficult for them to avoid each other.

It dawned on me that the woman in my dream, who looked Caucasian, was really her. My description of the woman fitted her perfectly.

She said she had been trying hard to break off her relationship with that man but somehow could not. She told me she had long wanted to talk to me to seek advice but hesitated because I might not understand her.

“But the fact that you told me what I wanted to tell you made me open up to you,” she said.

It made things much easier for her. And after she told me everything, she found it easier to break off with the man. Their relationship went back to a purely professional one.


There are several things I noticed about these dreams. All of them, except the case of the robbers breaking into my house, had a sexual or erotic content. A naked Annabelle holding a glass of wine, Jenny’s exposed breasts which she asked me to bite and chew, and Cecille wanting to stop her intimate relationship with a man.

I dreamt of Cecille probably because of telepathy and my strong psychic connection with her. I might have picked up her thoughts, resulting in my dream.

The dreams also showed my great sensitivity to or psychic connection with certain people.

Dreams of a sexual nature, which are suppressed in our waking state, are always more explicit and matter-of-fact because the conscious left, analytical brain is asleep.

There are no moral judgments involved in dreams. Dreams are mere reflections of physical reality, whether past, present or future.

Note: For those interested in personal consultancy, individual past life hypnotic regression and other paranormal services, call tel. 8107245 or 0920-9818962.

The Practical Mind Dynamics Seminar is on July 7-8, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., at Rm. 308 Prince Plaza I, Legaspi St., Makati.