Katarina Rodriguez on Wearing Her Grandmother’s Knits

Fresh out of the shower, Katarina Rodriguez hurriedly exclaims, “My coach wouldn’t let me leave training!” The 5’7” beaut, currently in the middle of juggling a Philosophy and a Business Management degree in De La Salle University along with her training for the Track and Field Varsity team, of course, on top of all her modeling stints, had just caught her breath and was already roaring to go.

“I graduated from tomboy to girly to fashionista,” explains Katarina as we surveyed her room. From bright neon hues of trainers neatly lined up to two huge bags of newly-acquired Charles & Keith shoes sitting next to her bed (“I got them all 50-percent off,” she winks), it was fairly easy to see her own personal blend of athletic wear and casual chic.

Citing Cara Delevigne as one of her sartorial influences, the sportif intimates her frequent attempts to add comfort to her wardrobe choices. “If there’s one thing my lola taught me, it’s to never buy anything that doesn’t fit you well. Forget the line of thinking about buying one size smaller to lose weight—if it doesn’t fit you perfectly, toss it out.”

Another sage piece of advice from the grandmother? Vintage. “I have a piece of clothing that’s been around for 50 freaking years!” says Katarina of an intricately embellished knitted baby blue number. With an aesthetic that revolves around classics and a confessed pursuit to make two clashing themes work (think classy and sexy, athletic and chic, fashionable and utilitarian), Katarina stocks her closet with staples and conversation pieces.

“If there’s one thing I’m obsessed with though,” she begins, “it’s lip gloss.” Aside from her lippie obsession, Katarina divulges her plans of someday creating her own line of skincare. Until then, it’s a mix of rhyme and reason for this busy cat as she rushes from one commitment to the next whether it’s a track meet, a modeling gig, or a class—in a pair of fashionable trainers, of course.


Photos by Artu Nepomuceno
Styling by Meg Manzano
Makeup by Maws Diaz of Make Up Forever