Move over pastel dyes, the holographic hair trend is about to take over

For the brave souls who are willing to take a hair risk, we present to you: holographic hair.

The hair color is an evolution of the pastel and metallic color trend by blending the two together using a technique dubbed as Hand-Pressed Coloring. The holographic patterns are painted onto Plexiglass and pressed into the hair repeatedly, using techniques similar to screen printing.

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The trend may have been sprouting throughout the internet on Pinterest boards and Instagram feeds recently, but this isn’t a new invention. It was pioneered by Redken hair colorist Chiala Marvici as far back as 2015, but it looks like the peg-hunting public has dug it out of the archives once more. 

If you’re a dark-haired individual like myself and most Filipinos, it’s a little scary to try the look out. You’d need hair that’s at a high level of blonde—around a level 9 to 10—to have the light hues appear prominently on your locks. For us, that would mean rounds upon rounds of bleaching and then more hair dye to top it off.

But hey, life’s short and hair grows back. If you’ve got the guts, then go and fulfill your Blade Runner-esque holo-hair fantasy.

Photo from Pravana on Instagram

Hair by Kayla Boyer