For Pia Guanio, wonderful professional and romantic possibilities ahead

PIA GUANIO’S work is now starting to reach a peak. However she may find herself with many new unexpected options that could make her life a little complicated. Reevaluating her means of earning will be an important issue during the next six months. There are some wonderful professional and romantic possibilities open to her early in 2014, after some emotional frustrations in 2012 and 2013.


Over the coming week, there may be a measure of uncertainty about how you feel toward a new person who has just entered your social circle. Playing it safe is wise, but losing an opportunity could cause you to kick yourself, too.


You may be asked to help out a friend who has more problems than he or she can cope with. Listen and see if you can be of help this week. The need to spend money to help may arise, but this isn’t advisable. The 21st could be a romantic highlight.


You may be thinking about people who have moved out of your social circle and wonder where they are now, so try making contact using the Internet. On Monday and Tuesday, you could be nervous about a social engagement.


Someone may say something you overhear that is not very nice, but don’t automatically assume it is you they are talking about. Keep your mind focused on positive things. An unexpected visitor around Thursday will lift your spirit.


Someone you have supported and relied on heavily in the past may let you down at the last moment. Let him or her know how you feel about it without trashing the relationship.


You need to clearly define your relationships, especially of a social nature this week. You needn’t take the heat from those who are pressuring you to be different from who you are. Be true to yourself. Emotions are volatile on Tuesday.


Meeting up with an old flame is quite possible around this time. However, you may realize that your lives and the time you’ve spent apart have caused you to become very different people. Try to look at the similarities rather than the differences.


If ex-lovers are trying to make a re-entry into your life, this could throw you out of kilter. You need to think carefully about re-engaging with people who’ve done the dirty on you. Much of your past is still being worked on; trust me when I say you are making progress, Scorpio.


Unresolved issues with a lover may cause you to travel and inconvenience yourself as a result. It’s probably better to deal with this issue via telephone or online, rather than facing the frustration of a tedious journey especially around midweek.


If you’re hurt and confused by some relationship, it’s important to remind yourself that time heals all wounds. Trust in this healing process, but on Monday afternoon, take the initiative to bring this issue to a head by discussing it.


You need to empower others as well as yourself this week. By helping those around you, they will in turn help you. You need to see the bigger picture in your relationships as well as in your professional life. You should be quite attractive to the opposite sex at this time.


If your partner has a personal problem, make sure you have time to listen to his or her difficulties at present. This week’s theme is unconditional love, which means you may have to put your own personal affairs on hold for a while until this problem blows over.

Your Karma—Q&A with Dadhichi

Hello Dadhichi,

I’m a Sagittarius and torn between two men—one a Cancer, the other a Leo. Both seem to have something to offer, but what is your astrological opinion? Thanks, Alison, Makati.

Astrologically speaking, two star signs belonging to the same element are considered superior in many areas, especially love. For this reason, the fire element of Leo would seem to be the better fit for fiery Sagittarius. Cancer will no doubt be a sensitive and loving individual, but the water element is not quite as compatible with fire.

Regards, Dadhichi
