This app lets you try out the ‘ACNH’ island you want before committing to it

Tons have signed up for the Animal Crossing cult—which isn’t exactly a mystery. This game fills in for the missed real-time events and makes the dead-ass impossible (kinda) possible.

But although this social simulation game bursts with cuteness, making our own island can actually be a headache. Come to think of it, the game is meant to mirror some of real life, anyway.

Luckily, there’s a new 3D Island Planner app that helps players who feel overwhelmed while building the island of their dreams. Reported on Animal Crossing World, this new tool’s layout is perfect for replicating and designing an island—complete with in-game options like creating cliffs, placing establishments, building bridges and more.

As it’s still being developed, finishing touches like trees, rocks and fences are yet to be added. But TBH, just the fact that it gives us a real sneak peek of the blueprint inside our head—before we commit to it—makes this absolutely useful. Is your design actually nice? Or is it only nice in your head? Maybe I wish The Sims had something similar. Maybe I could’ve spent a lot less.

You can tinker with the app’s current features here, or know more about it here. You can also donate to its developers by heading over to Rob Fichman’s page.

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