There’s a new chapter in Kristen Stewart’s life

But the emotional trials will continue for a while


AT THE YOUNG age of 21, Kristen is undergoing a relationship crisis, as shown by the transit of Saturn on her birth Moon. This has actually been going on for a couple of years, so it’s no wonder that she is now in the news, having to undergo the mass scrutiny of her infidelities in the media. Throughout August, September and October, these emotional trials will continue, but rest assured her Jupiter return in the next few months will smooth things over and a new chapter in her life will commence.




You’ll have to coordinate your plans well with others if you’re thinking of a holiday or a journey.  With all your enthusiasm, you’ll have very different ideas about what constitutes “fun.” If you work this out early in the week, you’ll avoid some of the tantrums at the destination of your dreams.




Baggage is nothing but hang-ups. Around the 7th, some baggage from your past may come back to haunt you.  You’ll probably be projecting a lot of this stuff onto your relationships at this  time. You’ll need to look closely at your motivations to resolve any relationship problems.




There are great opportunities in your relationships now due to the continuing influence of Jupiter and Venus in your personal affairs, and this gives you a chance to improve your understanding of your loved ones. You can work at removing differences, and put in practice some of the communication skills that you’ve been working on.




You’re on the go,  and it’s just as well because you’ll need that extra bit of energy if you plan to take up several of those invitations.  Just to complicate matters, domestic demands that have been overlooked  will put extra pressure on you.  Keep money out of your discussions if you want to avoid arguments.




You’ll be at a point of no return in your current situation.  If you want to resurrect a friendship, you’ll need to give it your best shot. This means throwing in 100 percent of your best effort before doing an about-face or giving up. Don’t pass any judgements until you’ve spent more time trying to fully understand the consequences.




Trust your dreams this week because this is a point in time when your subconscious knows the proper course of action for you take. Even though some of the images you get will only be symbolic, they can have real meaning. Your relationships will be greatly helped by paying attention to what is revealed in your dream state and intuitively.




Libra, you’ll want to be more progressive in matters of love, and this will prompt you to learn more about communication.  You’ll be very vocal about having your needs fulfilled.  If your requests fall on deaf ears, you’ll venture out to make the most of what’s on offer elsewhere.




Your relationships can be taken to a new level, but of course you must be prepared to work at them. Don’t get lazy. This is the time when you have to fight the tendency to rest on your laurels and expect your partner to do all the work. You’re only going to get back what you put in.




You can easily learn who your friends or enemies are by observing them a little more carefully. If you’re busy being self-absorbed, you’ll miss vital clues.  A change in one of your most important relationships is due around this time, and you’ll need to be prepared to adjust to a whole new set of circumstances.




This is a quiet phase for you, and it means you’ll have to focus on your domestic responsibilities. You could feel as if you have the weight of the world on your shoulders over the coming weeks, and that could even equate to a literal feeling of upper back pain or discomfort in your shoulder area.




You’ll be demanding more support from your partner over the next few days, and he/she will be feeling the same way. Funny about that! Support is a mutual thing, and you’ll find that the moment you take a step toward the one you love, they’ll take two steps toward you. Don’t dwell on minor problems.




Your health will improve due to a greater commitment to your diet and physical exercise.  This will have a wonderful follow-on effect in your relationships with lovers, feeling you’re making an effort to be more attractive to them.  An excessive routine can have the opposite effect, however. Do everything in moderation, and don’t be compulsive about this aspect of your life.


Your Karma–Q&A with Dadhichi


Hi Dadhichi,


I suspect my husband is cheating on me, and I believe this because, among other things, he is obsessed about holding on to his cell phone and never lets me see his messages. He has also become cold in matters of intimacy. What do you think, is he having an affair?


Thank you,


N, Manila


Hi N,


While your husband has not technically had “an affair,” there is certainly a younger woman attempting to come between you and him. This month, August, is critical, as there is an intention on his part to take time out from the relationship that he has not articulated. You should initiate discussions, and encourage him to take some time out. This will give both of you an opportunity to reappraise the relationship.


Good luck.






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