Vico Sotto thanks frontliners, like all public servants should

In another episode of Vico Sotto doing things like a public servant should, the Pasig City mayor is now urging people to be more considerate of medical frontliners—and praising their work at the same time.

“We have a good system of contact tracing. Our health officers are hardworking. Our problem is that our workers are overloaded [because] there has been a spike in [coronavirus] cases during the general community quarantine,” he said during an online briefing. “Many are calling them even as late as 3 a.m… They really need more people now.”

Sotto also gave the city’s frontliners the proverbial pat on the back, saying that “they never complain” and that he is proud of their efforts in the pandemic. He also addressed the members of the city epidemiology disease and surveillance unit (CEDSU), mentioning that the LGU is looking to hire more personnel and contact tracers to avoid lag in response time.

“We will increase the number of medical workers. I hope if you will talk to them on the phone, don’t be rude to them. I always tell them to also be patient with [patients],” Sotto said. “There should be mutual understanding. Let’s be understanding since we are in the middle of a crisis. They are just humans. Our CEDSU is very hardworking… Keep up the good work.”

Let’s be understanding since we are in the middle of a crisis. They are just humans. Our CEDSU is very hardworking… Keep up the good work.

Meanwhile on a larger scale, frontliners are in hot water with the national government. During a presscon yesterday night, Aug. 2, President Rodrigo Duterte called out medical frontliners for “demeaning the government” due to their public request to revert to enhanced community quarantine (ECQ).

“Do not try to demean government. You’re not actually criticizing. You demean my government, your own government,” he said. “To send a message without giving the government a chance, so what do you want now? That I will implement other things in this government without informing you? Would you be happy with that?”

“We are aware that you are tired and that you have worked even beyond 24 hours a day. That’s because we have nobody to turn to. You’re the ones who studied. You’re the ones who know,” he added. 

Duterte also mentioned that the lack of funds has been holding back the government. “There is no need for you—1,000 of you—telling us what to do publicly. You could have just written us a letter. We do follow everything that you say,” he said. “You know it’s the resources—the money. You want me to buy things. The problem is my pocket is already empty because we have suffered economically.”

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You heard Mayor Vico: LGU, not police, will lead COVID-19 search

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Photo from Vico Sotto’s Instagram