Prince Harry–enjoying the last gasp of his youth

Prince Harry is again hogging the headlines with his raunchy behavior in Las Vegas. We must understand  that with his Saturn return, which occurs around the age of 30 years, he is probably just having a last-ditch attempt at enjoying his youth before moving on to full adulthood.


The influence of Mars on his horoscope at present makes him reckless, argumentative and likely to do things he will regret. Obviously, this publicity has not impressed the Queen of England, and he will now have to explain his behavior to her. Saturn warns that he should take care with the type of people, especially women, he associates with in the coming two or three years.




You feel a lot of loving affection and charm during this cycle, and can use this in a way to persuade people to fulfill your desires. If you need something at this time, you have the opportunity to ask. Try, however, not to abuse this power now as it will come back in a negative way later.




Friends can help you expand your sphere of awareness and understanding so much better in the coming week or so. Meeting someone from a different mindset will open your eyes to the possibilities of life. There may not be romance initially in the connection, but friendship is often the first step.




Going through the routine of social rituals can be boring, especially if the team leader is demanding more of you than you are prepared to give. Acting a new part may be necessary. This attitude may also be of benefit romantically.




Trying to get your own way at any cost will cause problems on the home front. Compromise is your keyword this week, and it will work wonders. Quiet assertion is an underestimated tool of negotiation. There’s no harm in trying it!




You’re confused now and need time alone to figure out some sort of complex relationship problem. The more you listen to others, however, the more confused you’ll become. Trust your own self and listen to what your heart advises in this matter.




Connecting with friends will be your release valve this week. Enjoying group contact will elevate your spirits, and through this you can enjoy some independence from the usual emotional responsibilities. Making yourself scarce has some distinct advantages and will create a greater demand for you.




A passionate interlude could be part of your karma just now. You may be tense sexually and need satisfaction, but may regret choosing the wrong partner especially if this is a one-night stand. The keyword for you at this time is integrity.




Only the strong survive, and sometimes this requires an outward show of strength. This week, you may experience opposition to your philosophy or ideals and will find yourself defending what you stand for. Legal matters may come to a head as well if you have any ongoing dispute.




To improve your relationships, you sometimes need to implement a revolution of sorts. If laziness or apathy has set in, this week’s the time to drop the bomb and start making a change. Being proactive rather than reactive will set the wheels of change in motion.




There may be an unusual power of attraction with someone you do business with just now. If you’re able to control yourself, this association could develop into a fruitful friendship. For the time being, don’t push it beyond this.




You may need to tell a friend or work colleague an unpalatable truth. Keep it simple, and at all times state your case with kindness. You may not feel that this is really your business, but if it is impacting upon you somehow, then it is very much your business!




Forceful communications may not win you friends, but you’ll certainly get your point across this week. You may need to sacrifice admiration to get the appropriate results you want. There’s nothing worse than being ignored and disrespected. That is, until you show what you are really made of.


Hard work, little gain


I am a Virgo (1967) and seem to be working harder and harder for little gain. Will I be able to become wealthy or at least start to earn enough money to enjoy my life?

Thank you!




Hi John,


Being born in Virgo in 1967 indicates your hardworking ethic but also a poor self-image. You need to work on this before you can attract money. The laws of success have more to do with how you feel about yourself, and how passionate you are about what you do than about money itself.

Try to work in something you feel comfortable with and which makes you feel good about yourself. I can assure you the money will start to flow in due course.


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