No-medicine, no-pain solutions

Help me understand why I am a borderline anemic.  For 10 years I have not been eating red meat, but have started to use fish and chicken as my protein substitute.


If you have been a strict vegetarian without supplementing your daily vitamin and mineral needs, then the effects can be medium- to long-term.  You may want to consult your doctor for a blood iron status test.


Essential and required for life, iron is necessary for the production of hemoglobin (red blood corpuscles), myoglobin (red pigment in muscles) and special enzymes.


Do you know that only about eight percent of your total iron intake is actually absorbed and enters the bloodstream?


Hemoglobin is recycled as blood cells and replaced every 120 days.  The required intake is 10-15 mg for adults and 30 mg for pregnant women, while nursing mothers require 15 mg.  You don’t just simply take iron supplements.  They need to be paired with copper, cobalt, manganese and vitamin C for proper assimilation.


Iron is needed for proper metabolization of B vitamins.  So, it’s best to take it in a multivitamin mineral supplement.


Warning:  Too much iron in the blood may increase your risk of heart disease—especially if you’re a man.


Iron can prevent fatigue, cure anemia, promote a strong immune system, and restore a healthy complexion.


Natural sources: pork, beef, liver, red meat, clams, dried peaches, egg yolks, oysters, beans, asparagus, nuts, molasses, oatmeal.


The best form of iron is amino acid chelate, not ferrous sulphate, which is an inorganic iron that can destroy vitamin E.


The organic iron-ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumerate, ferrous citrate and ferrous peptonate do not neutralize vitamin E.


My cousin, who is very much into alternative healing, suggests the herb dong quai. What do you think?


Angelica sinensis or dong quai is an effective herb in alleviating menopausal hot flashes as well as depression and vaginal dryness.


It aids the body in maximizing the utilization of existing hormones.  Example: During menopause, it helps the transition of estrogen production from your ovaries to the adrenal glands.


Consult your doctor or a nutritionally oriented physician.


Note:  If you take it, remember that it works best in combination with vitamins E, B6 and zinc.


I hate vegetables but I admire their anti-cancer properties.  Are there substitutes I can take?


There is no replacement for the real thing.  Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, alfalfa and reddish sprouts, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, carotene-rich spinach, carrots, squash and sweet potatoes are renowned cancer fighters.  There are, however, new supplements in capsule form that you may consider taking.  But it is still best to accompany the supplements with a balanced meal.


I have been battling depression for five years.  Are my drug medications enough?


If you are on specific medication, do not go off it abruptly by switching to a natural alternative.  Try working with your physician so that you can adjust the dosages.  Truth is, you can possibly wean yourself slowly from your drugs.


We have tackled depression before, but never anyone who has been on a regular medication program.  So, proceed with caution.


To reiterate the new discovery, there is documentary evidence relating depression to diet, nutritional deficiency and hormonal imbalance.


The evidence of biochemical causes for mental disturbances is mounting.   Research also showed that the mentally and emotionally challenged were deficient in B complex and C vitamins.


Natural and herbal antidepressants include kava-kava, St. John’s wort, calcium, magnesium, manganese, B1, B6, B12, tyrosine phenylalanine, zinc, niacin, pantothenic acid and tryptophan.


All these can influence and relax the mood, alleviate anxiety attacks, combat stress, promote mental alertness, and reduce nervousness and irritability.  Note:  Alcohol is a nerve depressant.  Do not take tranquilizers and alcohol altogether—the combination is lethal.  It can cause severe depression, or even death.


Oral contraceptives deplete the body of B6, B12, folic acid and vitamin C.  If you’re on the pill, you need B6 immediately to combat depression.


Why is it so important to have a positive disposition?


Because it’s the best non-drug prescription to be healthy and happy.


Our emotions greatly influence us physically—for better or worse.  It’s like being married to yourself—a covenant you should not break.


By staying positive, upbeat, inspired and hopeful, you remain faithful to the indestructible part of who you are—a strong spirit destined only for success and greatness.  And no matter what the challenging circumstances you find yourself in, there is only one way to overcome it: by being positive.


Today’s affirmation:  “I claim happiness as my divine birthright.”


Love and light!