Young writers, UP Writers Club’s workshop is waiting for you

Writing is all smiles and sparkles until you actually deal with its horrors: eye-rolling at your cliche expressions, having zero replacements for your plot holes, doubting yourself for the 56th time and looking for your characters (because like you, they might be wandering somewhere far, far away). 

We know it and we get it. In these times, joining a community or summoning a mentor could be the next best thing. Good thing UP Writers Club could give you that (first) big break. 

The University of the Philippines Diliman-based literary organization is looking for aspiring writers for its next class. Before you close the tab and worry about veterans, hold up. The public workshop will actually be a space for unpublished writers. “Whether it’s that poem you secretly wrote about your crush, or a short story that your English teacher made you write, our first written piece is always something worth remembering,” it said on a Facebook post. “The smaller the resume, the better.”

Happening on Zoom—and will be live-streamed on UP Writers Club’s FB page on May 15—this event might also score you a space on the org’s online magazine. But OK, what exactly should you send?


You never forget your first.

Whether it’s that poem you secretly wrote about your crush, or a short story that your…

Posted by UP Writers Club on Monday, March 8, 2021

For poetry: one to three poems; maximum page count is four.

For prose poetry: maximum of 2,000 words or four pages per entry. 

For fiction, creative nonfiction or other prose pieces: maximum of 5,000 words or six pages per entry.

The format is Garamond in 12, single-spaced. English and Filipino entries will be accepted. But don’t exceed the maximum word or page count, otherwise you’re out. 

In the email body, include the author’s full name and contact details. Attach your entry with its title as the file name and put “UPWC2021_NAME_GENRE” in the email subject line. When you’re ready, send it to

Window’s open until Apr. 9, 11:59 p.m., so best to forget that writer’s block exists (for now), we guess.

For more info, head to UP Writers Club’s FB page. 

Read more:

5 writing tips from Marvel alum Marjorie Liu

How to get your novel published internationally, according to author Rin Chupeco

Art by Cathy Dizon