Marco Lobregat—how he combines farming mushrooms and looking good

“I LIKE mixing up bath products, and don’t stick to one brand.” Cancer Foundation to showpub-PHOTOS BY FILBERT KUNG

You may have seen commercial model Marco Lobregat in a few ads. Yet, when not associated with a campaign, this tall mestizo can be found at the Salcedo Saturday Market, beaming with pride behind his mushroom stall.


He is the proprietor of Ministry of Mushrooms, selling anything and everything mushroom-related. The idea came to him when he noticed that most of the mushrooms sold locally are either imported or canned. So he began growing his own.


It certainly helps that this vendor has a funny and charming demeanor, as well as a clear complexion and a simple, understated fashion style to help draw in crowds. So what are his style secrets?




MARCO’S picks: Head & Shoulders Shampoo

I created Ministry of Mushrooms because… I wanted to start a business that would generate a lot of good!


Ministry of Mushrooms is not your usual mushroom supplier because… We [my partners and I] are passionate about mushrooms. We value quality, and aim to build the local mushroom industry.


Now that I’m in my 30s, I see myself as… a conduit for a positive change.


When I need to get fancy for events, the designers I usually go to are… Michelle Sison, Joey Samson and Jerome Llorico. They’ve been kind enough to collaborate with me and they know how to make you look good!


My trusted hair dresser is… Emphasis Salon or Chiyo, the Japanese hairstylist, if I really want something different. I usually just go to the barbershop (Bruno’s Rockwell) where they get the job done well, with no frills.


Dove Men Care Body and Face Wash

My childhood bath soap and cologne is… Gotas de Oro.


The perfumes I have on my sink right now are… Polo Blue, Aqua di Gio, Gotas de Oro.


When it comes to bath products… I like mixing it up and don’t stick to one brand or product.


When it comes to grooming myself, I never forget to… shampoo, soap, rinse, dry, brush teeth, apply deodorant, add hair wax/clay, possibly add facial moisturizer and cologne, then I’m off.


The stuff I’m using in my bathroom right now are… Bench Fix Clay Doh Lite, Kiehl’s Facial Fuel Age Combat, Head & Shoulders Shampoo, and Dove Men Care Body and Face Wash.


BENCH Fix Clay Doh Lite

The men’s fashion accessory I have the most of is… ties. I was working in a corporation and was required to wear a suit every day.


I find happiness in… the simplest of things—food, friends, family, travel.


On October, Lobregat will join forces with ICanServe Breast Cancer Foundation to show public support for the fight against breast cancer through the Mushrooms Go Pink project.


Along with many award-winning restaurants around Metro Manila, Lobregat and his partners are creating and serving special mushroom-based dishes for the benefit of ICanServe Foundation.