This Halloween–how to turn yourself into a rotting zombie or a slasher movie victim without fancy makeup

USE toilet paper to simulate rotting flesh. SCREENSHOT FROM YOUTUBE

Do you love all things gory and bloody? We’ve got the video tutorials to turn you into a scarred creature without the need for professional help or prosthetics. All you need are a couple of trips to National Book Store for pans of face paint and another to the grocery store for toilet paper.


Who knew toilet paper could be so versatile? Just remember the trick to making these gory looks authentic and gross: it’s all about the color and texture.


The look: Rotting zombie


The tutorial: Unlimited Elizabeth’s Zombie Face tutorial at


Degree of difficulty: Moderate


Time required: A lot

Mess factor: Moderate (Unlimited Elizabeth recommends wearing a shirt you’re okay to part with)


Results: It’s truly impressive what a few torn strips of toilet paper and Elmer’s Glue can do to transform a pretty girl into a scary zombie; we still can’t manage to look at Elizabeth’s face post-transformation. Her instructions are clear and easy to follow, and we love how she uses products that aren’t expensive or hard to find (you don’t have to buy fake blood, although some makeup stores here sell it; there are recipes online using corn syrup and food coloring).


Just don’t fall asleep in a drunken stupor in some bar lest some Walking Dead fan think you’re a real zombie and cause nationwide panic. And make sure to drink a cuppa joe before going home; you’ll need the caffeine to keep you awake for the massive face cleanup.


The look: Slasher movie victim


The tutorial: Melissa Bernard’s slit throat makeup tutorial,


Degree of difficulty: Easy

Time required: 30 minutes to an hour


Mess factor: Minimal

Results: Don’t make this your Facebook profile photo, or you’d send your mom into a screaming fit. Melissa Bernard makes the pretend slashed throat look so effortless that you’d probably end up using this outside of Halloween to prank someone.

The look: Gory goth extra from a horror movie


The tutorial: Petrilude’s Unzipped makeup tutorial


Degree of difficulty: Moderate


Time required: 30 minutes to an hour


Mess factor: Minimal


Results: This is sure to gross out anyone with a fear of zippers and eye injuries. Up the grossness quotient by trying this makeup trick out on your chest as well. Thinking about it is enough to make us shudder in fear.