Holiday emergency remedies

When minor problems occur during the holidays, usually there is no doctor in sight.


So what do you do when you partied a little too hard or burned the midnight oil once too often?


That’s when it comes in handy to know a few natural remedies to ease your queasiness, uneasiness or when you’re a complete mess.


Butterflies in the stomach—This all too familiar sensation can be attributed to stress caused by fear, exhaustion, lack of sleep, worrying too much, nervousness. Those butterflies are simply acid-related. People undergoing stress have an abundance of acidity in the stomach. Hence, the butterfly effect or hyperacidity.


What to do:


Place a hot water bag on your tummy to warm you.


Try sipping a cup of freshly grated ginger tea. Its immediate effect is to calm the stomach.


Often, simply shutting out all the visual stimulation around you helps. Close your eyes for 10-15 minutes.


Extreme brightness can stimulate you instead of calming you down. Stay in a dark room.


Hangover—Now this is a given if you plan to overindulge in alcohol. You will experience nausea, headaches, general body weakness, sluggishness.  And of course, you get no sympathy from anyone. Note: Hangover symptoms could appear from unexpected allergies or even a reaction to alcohol hidden in food and sweets.


Sometimes nervousness can drive you to drink. But alcohol isn’t the answer if you wish to build up your courage.


What to do:


Clear the alcohol out of your system by drinking full glasses of water every 30 minutes for the first two hours. Follow with one glass every hour.


Drink two glasses of coconut water or cranberry juice.


Try an organic turmeric (luyang dilaw/yellow ginger) or coffee enema.




Turmeric flush


Peel and crush three fingers of turmeric.


Boil for 10 minutes in a pot.




Allow golden liquid to cool slightly to just above room temperature.


Place liquid in an enema bag and release it into the colon in three installments. Hold in the solution for 10 minutes before releasing. Repeat the process


Coffee cleanse


This ought to stimulate and detoxify your liver.


Boil for 10 to 15 minutes 3-4 tbsp of organic coffee in five liters of water.


Allow to cool. Strain well. In three installments, introduce the coffee into the colon slowly.  Make sure the enema tube is inserted three inches into the anus. Lie down on your right side. Keep still. Relax.


Note: Always drink two full glasses of tepid water before proceeding. Make sure that you have had something to eat one hour before. After cleansing,  take two capsules of probiotic acidophilus to restore the good bacteria in your colon and gut.


Follow this with a vegetable juice.


Veggie power drink


One sachet of barley, wheatgrass or six pieces crushed spirulina tablets.


In a juicer, mix three handfuls of organic romaine lettuce or any leafy greens and sugar beet.


Mix ½ cup of coconut water.


Drink up. Feel recharged.


Headaches—Muscular tension, indigestion, constipation, nutritional deficiency, menstrual problems, emotional/mental stress and dehydration may cause headaches. Any condition of the ear, sinuses, eyes, nose and throat can also be the culprit. Headaches also occur due to stroke, high blood pressure and head injuries.


Potassium upper—This mineral can instantly relieve your pain. Eat one banana.  Then relax.


Water therapy—Drink two glasses of tepid water to rule out dehydration.


Blood sugar stimulation—If your blood sugar is low, sip a sweetened juice or suck on a hard candy.


Celery—Even if you’re under pressure, one stalk of fresh celery eaten as a snack ought to act as a relaxant.


Cayenne—To improve blood circulation and stimulate the immune system, take two small crushed chili peppers, add to a cup of warm water. Rinse and drink. Or pop into your mouth one capsule of US-processed Cayenne by Nature’s Bounty from Health Express (8927978 or 5568155). If you have no time to prepare the tea, this practical regimen is recommended.


Kitchen concoctions:


Grate one fresh onion. Wrap in a cloth bandage and wear it around your head for 20 minutes every hour until the pain subsides.


Black cohosh—Drink it as a tea or in capsule form. Peppermint, chamomile and passion flowers teas will ease your tensions, too.


Mineral booster—Take  99 mg of potassium every hour  until the headache is gone.


Vitamin B complex—50-100 mg daily will ease your nervous system.


Foot soak—Place feet in hot water for one to two minutes followed by a 30-second cold water soak. Repeat until symptom disappears. Sometimes a  shower of alternating hot and cold water on the head gives almost instant relief.


When you’ve eaten too much, stop. In fact, don’t wait for this moment. Know your body well.  Eat enough, not a lot.


Heartburn is indicative of stomach acid coming back up into the esophagus. Eating too fast and wrong food combinations can cause this.


What to do: Don’t lie down. Sit up instead.


Baking soda—Mix ¼ tsp in a cup of warm water.


Potato antacid—Blend ½ raw potato and mix 2 oz water.  Sip slowly.


If your problem is a lack of stomach acids, take hydrochloric acid or HCL.


Garlic oil—½ capsule in a cup of warm water acts as a mild antispasmodic.


Reminder: If you are on maintenance medication, consult your physician first before taking herbal medicines.


Affirmation: “I am abundantly blessed.”


Love and light!


Reference: “A Treasury of Natural First Aid Remedies from A to Z” by James Kusick