Corinne De San Jose Made Art by Repeating Herself


corinne de san jose preen


Hold on to that same old, systemic daily grind—Corinne De San Jose is debuting new work tonight at Silverlens Gallery that’s inspired by the very thing you thought killed your vibe.

Entitled The Week Ends The Week Begins, the exhibition features equal parts photography and video sections, with each half broken down further into threes. Repetition is a running theme: Opposing words (invigorating/deadening, maddening/calming, traumatizing/reliving) struggle to find meaning while reconciling aesthetically within their space.

In here, photographer and sound designer Corinne explores what else she hasn’t done before. “After around six years of floating around being a freelancer and doing whatever I want, I’ve just decided to go back to work. It was a huge change, and yet, so familiar,” she writes in an email. In doing all of these, however, she has to recall what she’s already done.

“I realized that repetitiveness is this vast, complicated idea that can go so many ways. It isn’t just boredom, the routine, or the daily grind, one can connect it to learning, practicing, memorization, and meditation, as a tool in expressing idea,” shares Corinne.

Expect a lot of grids, manual repetitive processes, and redundancy of images in the viewing process.

Catch Corinne’s exhibit at Silverlens Gallery, 2/F YMC Bldg. 2, 2320 Don Chino Roces Ave., Makati City. Show starts at 6 p.m. The exhibition will run tonight until July 11. For more information, visit their website