Incorporate old-school dating practices into your relationship

Dating in the age of cellphones and social media has its pros and cons. It’s definitely easier to communicate because you can instantly contact each other with a click of a button. However, it can also hinder you from talking each other. I’m sure you’ve seen couples on dates but they’re both staring at their phones.

I’ll admit, when I first started working, I was constantly on my phone, even during dinner dates. My boyfriend wasn’t a big fan of it and I understand why. Now, when we have meal dates, we both put our phones on one side of the table and turned over. I suggest that you guys try it out too.

Despite being able to instantly send a message now, imagine how much effort was used to go into courtship before. According to, Sue Ramirez shared her opinion on the matter. In an interview she said, “I like it that people used to write love letters and send them to their crushes through the post office.” She added, “When you receive a [love] letter, it feels so fulfilling. You then write back and send your reply. Imagine the effort people went through to communicate back then!”

This got me thinking, why don’t people court each other this way anymore? Sure, it’s less convenient but imagine writing an actual letter on paper and sending it out in an envelope. That sounds really sweet.

Sue also pointed out that when you’re texting someone, you can’t really tell what their intentions are. And, that’s true. You’re both just hiding behind a screen. “I find it too impersonal. I don’t feel the emotion. I’d like to know how the other person actually says his message, so I appreciate phone calls more.”

We have to admit, though, that with cellphones, it would be difficult to revert back to old courtships ways. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t incorporate some elements into our relationships.

One Valentine’s Day I decided to send my boyfriend a postcard via mail. I thought it would be a nice touch to the regular text message. The both of us also write each other short letters when we give gifts. It’s simple but it means a lot. I’m also the type of person who likes to keep memory boxes so I really appreciate these short notes.

If sending out letters through the mail seems too tedious, you can still find ways to write to each other. Every once in a while, I write lengthy letters to my boyfriend and send them to him via email. I think it’s a step up from a simple text.

Modern dating can definitely be a struggle but if we work at it, there’s no reason why we can’t make things special.

Art by Marian Hukom

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