The Basilica of San Sebastian on R. Hidalgo St. in Quiapo will hold its Novena of Masses on Jan. 11-19, 6 p.m., in preparation for the feast of San Sebastian on Jan. 20. The theme of this year’s fiesta is Our Faith: A Gift to Cherish… A Gift to Share.
Homilists for the Novena Masses will be the recently ordained deacons of the Order of Augustinian Recollects (OAR). The solemn fiesta High Mass on Jan. 20, 5:30 p.m., will have Bishop Teodoro Bacani as celebrant and homilist. A procession follows after the Mass.
Fr. Rommel Rubia, OAR, rector and parish priest, said there will be a mass wedding on Jan. 12, 10 a.m.; feeding of 300 street people on Jan. 18, 7 p.m.; medical and dental mission on Jan. 19, the whole morning.
Rehabilitation of Adoration Chapel
Fr. Rubia would like people to know that the parish is raising P1.2 million for the rehabilitation of the Adoration Chapel which will be done after the fiesta. The parish’s “Prinsisito and Prinsisita” (Little Prince and Little Princess) aims to help raise funds for the project. The last counting of ballots will take place Jan. 12. Coronation will be on Jan. 19.
There must be more that can be done to help in the rehabilitation of the Adoration Chapel. Eucharistic adorers, help. And devotees of Our Lady of Mount Carmel who always go to her shrine in the Basilica of San Sebastian should extend assistance.
Please contact Fr. Rene Paglinanawan, former provincial and now assistant prior of San Sebastian, at 0917-8119856.
San Sebastian Church is 121 years old. It is the only church made of steel in the Philippines, but is showing wear and tear.
Major restoration is being planned.
Relic of the True Cross
The veneration of the Relic of the True Cross comes early at Monasterio de Tarlac in San José town on Jan. 19.
Enshrined in a special reliquary and kept at the Chapel of the Holy Cross, the relic is under the custody of the Servant of the Risen Christ led by its founder, Fr. Ronald Thomas “Fr. Archie” Cortez.
Jan. 19 will mark the sixth year of its enshrinement after it was brought by Fr. Archie from the diocese of Essen in Germany. Many miracles, especially healing, have occurred during all these years.
Bishop Florentino Cinense of Tarlac will be the main celebrant of the 9 a.m. Mass. Travel agent Sally Maddatu is organizing a pilgrimage to Monasterio. For details, contact her at 0906-2395166.
Empowering marginalized women
Soroptimist International of Makati recently had a turnover of biennial officers headed by Mimi Casanova Noble, immediate past president, who turned over the Hall of Fame trophy to Bessie Escalona, biennial president from 2012 to 2014.
SIA past president Tes Choa, guest speaker, spoke on the theme Empowering Marginalized Women through Education. Soroptimist adopted Barangay Rizal in Makati City for this purpose.
At the event were SI Philippine Region (SIPR) governor Minda Acacio-Garcia, SIA Federation director Mimi Araneta-Flor and SIPR governor Paloma Papa.
Soroptimist International is a worldwide service organization for women. It seeks to inspire women and girls to achieve their individual and collective potential, realize their aspirations and have an equal voice in creating strong, peaceful communities worldwide. Soroptimist International is present in 124 countries and has over 86,000 members.
80th year of Banneux apparition
The Virgin of the Poor appeared to 11-year-old Mariette Beco on Jan. 15, 1933, in Banneux, Belgium. The Sisters of Mary in Biga Girlstown, where there is a chapel dedicated to the Virgin of the Poor, will be having Novena Masses today until Jan. 14, 5 p.m. Novena to the Virgin of the Poor at the font (spring) will follow each Mass.
Everybody is invited. On Jan. 15, Mass will be at 5 p.m., followed by a procession of the Virgin of the Poor statue at the Sisters of Mary Girlstown compound ending at the Virgin of the Poor Chapel.
Every Saturday and Sunday, confessions are held at 3 p.m. and Masses at 4 p.m. at the Shrine of the Virgin of the Poor. This is open for everyone who would like to come. Hopefully, with these activities, this place will become a Diocesan shrine.
Oskar Peralta’s ‘Belen’
Catch the belen designed by Oskar Peralta at the National Shrine of the Sacred Heart on Dao and Kamagong Streets in Makati City. The baby Jesus truly lies on a manger inside the cave-shaped crib. It took nine days to build the cave, using Manila paper, spraying and pasting, and drying. Thanks to Gilbert and Dondie who helped Oskar put it up in time for simbang gabi on Dec. 16, 2012.