Blueprint for a new you

(Part 2)


To be out of balance can mean many things.  It is disharmony in our lives that leads to disease. And there are many things that contribute to an environment when the body is simply overloaded.


The human body is not designed to malfunction.  It has a built-in healing system.  But daily toxin overload can slow it down or incapacitate it altogether.


Thus, our habits are either supportive of health or not.  In short, it’s not our body’s fault when the healing mechanism fails.  It’s ours because our lifestyle is lived to support a malfunction.


There have been countless studies made on the dangers to health from toxins in the environment.  Here’s why:


Water—Over 20 chemicals like fluoride, chlorine and aluminium are added to our water. Groundwater and reservoirs collect poisons from runoff which contains pesticides, chemical fertilizers and industrial waste.  Contaminated water is used to irrigate crops.  Further contamination comes from  cadmium and lead.


Air—Pollutants are released into the air we breathe—smog and acid rain,  carbon monoxide and lead from auto emissions, cadmium, and lead from cigarette smoke (secondhand smoke included), mercury from dental filings, aluminium from cookware, baking powder, antacids, heavy metals in processed food packaging, chemicals from cosmetics, hair sprays, paints, detergents.


The truth is, we cannot prevent contact with all harmful substances. Neither can we actually stop toxins from entering our bodies.


Toxins are also created by our bodies as a natural by-product of cellular metabolism.  The cells deteriorate or die.  This debris is removed by the body.  If not removed, these wastes would poison and kill other cells which then lead to cellular degeneration, excessive stress and, eventually, death.


The body is fully capable of cleaning up invading microorganisms—fungi, bacteria, virus and parasites.


However, when toxins are being assimilated faster than they can be eliminated, we become unwell.


The answer: detoxification


As the green consciousness is sweeping the world, let’s do our own cleaning.






Ozone therapy


Imagine oxygen in its most radical form.


During WWI, ozone therapy saved millions of injured soldiers.  The injured part was exposed for 30 minutes to ozone, or O3. Today it is used to detoxify the body in an amazing way.


Every living thing breathes, and the exchange of gases between plants and animals is what provides the balance in nature.  So, in essence, we all coexist. Humans inhale oxygen, exhale carbon dioxide.  Plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. Without oxygen there will be no life on earth.


The medical applications of oxygen include the treating of periodontal disease and severe burns.


The good news is, the detoxifying power of oxygen is available to all.


Bacteria, viruses and fungi cannot thrive in an oxygen-rich body. By enhancing circulation, red blood cells will not clump together through the introduction of oxygen. Thus, it oxidizes the plaque in arteries while unclogging the vessels. Ozone also inhibits tumor metabolism.


O3 is produced by subjecting oxygen (O2) to an electrical process.


Hydrogen peroxide therapy


Suzanne Somers, in “Breakthrough: 8 Steps to Wellness,” highly recommends this therapy.  It is a regular part of her detoxification program.  In the chapter dedicated to Dr. Eric Braverman, she discusses how chemicals are killing people. And if one can adopt a method of catching disease before it manifests, then we all have a good chance to live longer and actually die healthy—at the age of 200!


To combat the environment, Somers takes intravenous treatments of vitamin C and glutathione and undergoes chelation and hydrogen peroxide treatments.


Dr. Cris Enriquez, FAAC of Rapha Health Institute of Ft. Lauderdale, has set up a clinic in the Philippines.  His intravenous therapies include chelation, hydrogen peroxide, vitamin and mineral infusion, to name a few popular approaches.


Bio-oxidative medicine, as in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) infusion, is the addition of oxygen directly to the tissues of the body in the form of lone oxygen atoms in the highly reactive state. While in the blood, it kills or inhibits the growth of anaerobic organisms (bacteria that don’t use oxygen to survive) and kills them.


Cancer cells are also anaerobic; thus the use of hydrogen peroxide in cancer therapy is an effective way of managing this malady.


On the other hand, bacteria that thrive in the human intestines need oxygen to survive. They are responsible for proper digestion, and they thrive in the presence of hydrogen peroxide.


The human body produces this substance as part of normal metabolism, and forms the first line of defense against invading organisms. Hydrogen peroxide is used effectively in a multitude of diseases like cardiovascular problems and cancer.


Affirm today: “I have the power to renew myself.”


Love and light!