Frequently asked wellness questions

Part II


So many questions, so little space to answer them all. While there isn’t any single approach to a health or beauty challenge, it is recommended that a combination of regimens be considered.


Q: No matter what I do, my constipation problem keeps recurring. Help!


My questions to you are:


Is there enough fiber in your diet?


Are you drinking an average of eight glasses of water daily?


Are you getting adequate exercise, at least thrice a week?


These are three crucial answers that can help you.


The average intake of fiber required by health experts is 20-35g a day. The main sources of natural fiber are fruits, vegetables and grain.


There are many kinds of fiber:




Both cellulose and hemicellulose absorb water. These improve large bowel movement and may protect the colon against deverticulosis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, cancer of the colon, spastic colon and irritable bowel syndrome.




Gums and pectin influence stomach absorption and small bowel activity. Their action is the lowering of cholesterol and decreased fat and sugar absorption.



Caution: Too much fiber and too little water can cause bloating, nausea, vomiting.  If you are taking fiber supplements like psyllium, coconut fiber, chia, make sure you take eight to 10 glasses of water daily.


Without water, fiber supplements can cause the very problem you are trying to solve, constipation.


Food examples: 1 c raisins = 6g fiber

1½ c popcorn = 5g

1 c sweet potato = 5g

1 medium avocado = 12g

1 c cereal (all bran) = 23g

1 carrot = 3.7g

1 large apple = 6g


Regular exercise keeps your lymphatic system working efficiently.  With this comes natural detoxification. Note: There are some bowel disorders that are not compatible with a fiber regimen. Consult your doctor.


Special colon cleansing tonics like Dr. Tam Mateo’s Miracle Tea can almost instantaneously cleanse your bowels. His wellness clinic specially prepares this formula to address bowel problems with encouraging results.  (Tel. no. 9000547 to 49)


Q: What is the best cure for acne?


It is called the scourge of teenagers.  And most mothers are frantic to find a cure. As in most natural approaches, there are no overnight remedies. The conventional solutions applied are tetracycline, vitamin A topical solutions, extraction and cleansing.  Consider the following:







Q: How do I get rid of a strong body odor?


Offensive body odor from the armpits, athlete’s foot and bad breath can be caused by a fungal or bacterial infection, indigestion, poor circulation, a lazy lymphatic system, poor body and mouth hygiene, allergy to deodorants and harsh chemicals, or parasites in the stomach.  Eliminate the causes one by one.






Body odor—Overactive sweat glands located in the armpits sometimes are the culprits. These can be neutralized with targeted Botox injections. While this is a temporary measure, it can give you relief. (The drastic measure is to lessen the sweat glands in your armpits through surgery but this could limit your perspiration and detoxification.)


Use a deodorant that is natural with fewer irritants like chemicals.


Stimulating bath ritual: In a tub of warm water, mix 1 cup sea salt, 1 whole orange diced, one bunch of crushed fresh lemongrass leaves. If you don’t have a bath, you can pour mixture on your skin.


Affirm today: “I claim the majesty of life!”

Love and light!