What’s making entrepreneur Tricia Gosingtian happy? Breastfeeding-friendly pambahay and Final Fantasy 7

“What’s making us happy” is our weekly list of things we are drooling over or things we bought by impulse or purposefully as of late—anything to distract us from this gloomy quarantine and maddening real world


Tricia Gosingtian-Gabunada has been making the most of quarantine. As an entrepreneur, blogger and new mom, her days have mostly been spent taking care of her baby, running her business and making sure things are running smoothly at home. 

“These days, I’m happy I live in the era of online shopping. I can’t imagine trying to ninja my way into safely buying groceries and not catching the virus.”

Though it seems like she has a lot on her plate, Tricia says she still manages to treat herself as well. 

“Once in a while, I definitely ninja my way into adding some personal items into my cart in the middle of childrearing. Sorry not sorry, but this mama’s gotta stay sane,” she confesses. 

Whats Making Me Happy Tricia Gosingtian

The mix of staying indoors and enjoying early motherhood has yielded some variety in Tricia’s day-to-day activities. “Every day is similar but also slightly different because the baby keeps changing. I have never been more flexible in my entire life,” she says.

It’s not all girl-bossing and homemaking for her, though. Occasionally, she gets to unleash her inner gamer or expel some creative energy for fun. 

Every day is similar but also slightly different because the baby keeps changing. I have never been more flexible in my entire life.

“On lucky nights, I get to play Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I was busy with Animal Crossing before I gave birth. Sometimes I use my sewing machine to create nothing particularly useful (it’s therapeutic though). I also like doodling on my iPad.”

While sequestered at home, Tricia’s been keeping a few items close to lift her spirits and give her something to look forward to in a quarantine-free world: 


Studio Mon Lapin glass

“In a world of rattan mirrors, dried flowers, boob vases and gold plated cutlery, there is nothing more contrarian than a glass with a cute bear’s face on it.”


Carl Jan Cruz pambahay

“Trying to look and feel human while raising a newborn baby is an everyday struggle. CJC pambahay makes me look like I made an effort even if I haven’t actually showered yet. Plus points for the low armholes. Easy boobie access!”


Saan Saan candles

“Being home so often (I only go out for monthly pedia visits!), I was quite concerned about the lifespan of my favorite scented candles. Good thing I managed to get new ones before they sold out! Using these sparingly but willfully.”


Liese bubble hair dye

“Dyeing your hair during a pandemic might sound strange (there is literally nowhere to go!), but I think it’s the ultimate move to show that you’re not doing it for any other reason but for yourself. And man, did I miss having dyed hair after more than nine months! I used milk tea brown for my first ever DIY job, but this mint ash shade is my true goal in the next few months.”


Hinhin Sinta dress

“I’ll cheat a bit with this one. This was the dress I was determined to fit into again after my pregnancy. It’s a happy reminder of my life pre-baby, pre-pandemic, and I can’t wait to wear it again in a post-pandemic world and make new memories in it.”

While making the most out of isolation was a big goal for most people, Tricia makes it a point to keep the pressure to a minimum—which is also something she wants everyone to remember. “Don’t pressure yourself into having to achieve something every day. It’s okay not to be super productive during the pandemic,” she says. 

Asked about her plans post-quarantine, Tricia has a very simple answer. “Hug my friends. Travel.”

And that just about says it all. 



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