Choose your (craft) adventure

WATERCOLOR Basics – Students will learn different types of materials, color theory basics, types of brush strokes and watercolor techniques. There are exercises and activities for the whole class to do.


Calligraphy Crafternoon – I describe this workshop as a “date with your new nib and pen.” Calligraphy takes a lot of practice, and this intro workshop is the perfect place to get to know your new writing materials.


Pen stroke exercises are given to everyone, and then later on, students are asked to calligraph their personal mantras and mottos using their own calligraphy style.


Jewelry Crafternoons – Friendship bracelets, rope, thread and gemstone necklaces, silver clay charms and pendants, wooden jewelry—these are some of the jewelry workshops that I offer. I show step-by-step procedures on how to make the fashion accessories, and then leave it to the students to put their own twists and effects on their pieces.


Rubber-cut Stamping Crafternoon – Students learn how to carve their own rubber stamps, which can be used for printing on just about any surface. Projects vary per crafternoon: We sometimes print on tote bags, wrapping paper, or gift cards.


Crafts & Creativity Workshop -My husband PJ is a marketing and motivational speaker, and we collaborate on this workshop. He teaches modules on creativity, while I pair each lesson with a craft activity.


Interested to join? Visit Alessa’s website at to get workshop schedules and sign up.