Essential oils to the rescue

MANY common ailments can be treated with essential oils.

For centuries, essential oils were considered the treasure of empires and were widely used as a form of medicine. Though these aromatic compounds have lost their “royal” status in modern times, they still keep their unique attributes that make them every spa’s crowning glory.


However, it is not only in spas where you can take advantage of the wondrous qualities of essential oils. Essential oils should have a permanent spot in your medicine cabinet.


Aside from being a necessary tool in creating your own home spa, essential oils can also act as natural remedies you can apply at home to deal with common ailments quickly and effectively.


The following are a few ailments that can be cured with essential oils.


Common colds


Prepare a hot steam treatment using 2 drops of tea tree oil, 2 drops of peppermint oil and 1 drop of thyme oil. Tea tree oil is a natural antibiotic, peppermint oil acts as decongestant and thyme oil is a natural painkiller. The combination works well to minimize annoying cold symptoms while treating the infection as well.


Sore throat


Mix a few drops of lavender oil, geranium oil and neroli oil. Add this mixture to a carrier oil (almond, grapeseed or an ordinary baby oil will do) to dilute the essential oils. Rub directly on your throat including your lymph glands at the side of your neck.


Menstrual cramps


Take a warm bath with Epsom salt, sea salt and a few drops of any of the following essential oils: chamomile, cypress, basil, carrot seed, jasmine, lavender, peppermint and rosemary.




Mix 5 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop of peppermint oil with 1 tbsp of carrier oil or lotion. Dab mixture on each temple and massage onto neck and shoulders.


Insect bites


Peppermint oil and lavender oil mixed with carrier oil tend to soothe and relieve itching. So do citronella, lemongrass, rosemary and myrtle. Alternately, you may also use a mixture of 2 drops of thyme, 10 drops lavender, 4 drops eucalyptus and 3 drops chamomile. Remember that essential oils as remedies for insect bites work best when applied to affected area immediately.


Minor burns


Lavender oil works extremely well with these common kitchen mishaps. Rose oil promotes healing of the skin when it begins to dry and crack from a burn.


Cuts and scrapes


Open cuts and scrapes may be dabbed or sprayed with this antiseptic to keep germs at bay: 12 drops tea tree oil, 6 drops eucalyptus, 6 drops lemon and 12 oz distilled water. Combine the ingredients and pour into a spray bottle.


There are still countless common ailments that can be treated with essential oils. Bear in mind, though, to always combine essential oils with carrier oil before applying on skin. Familiarize yourself with the uses of these essential oils and you will appreciate the cost-saving factor essential oils can bring. More important, by using essential oils, you also avert toxic buildup that result from so many over-the-counter drugs and prescriptions.