Wellness forever

The promise of longevity is no longer a broken one.  With the amazing strides made in the landscape of wellness, health and beauty, more years and more energy are the added bonuses of embracing a wellness attitude.


Yes, you’ve got to have an attitude.  Once you take a stand for wellness, you act with conviction.  And when people see you become a shining example of one who truly walks the talk, you become an inspiration to everyone.


So how does one adopt an attitude?


Simply ask yourself these questions:


  • Do I want to discover the secrets of the fountain of youth?


  • Do I want to live longer and look better?


  • Can I see myself living to the fullest into my 70s, 80s, 90s?


If your answer is yes to all these questions, then you have the right desire to proceed to step No. 2.  And it centers around conviction.  This is because attitude without conviction is empty.


Declaration—It’s an affirmation with firmness.  And it is firmness with certainty.  You are convinced that this which you declare for yourself will only contribute to your greater good.


Covenant—Reciting a declaration gives it more energy.  Using the power of the spoken word paves the way for your covenant with yourself.


You may watch yourself dealing with half-truths with others, but you can never lie to yourself.


Let’s face the ultimate truth—your life is in your hands.  Not the hands of your spouse, doctor or friend. By taking charge of yourself, you assume responsibility for your own body, mind and spirit.


Plan and strategy


Draw up a plan, one that suits your lifestyle.


Engage the services of a wellness expert, life coach, gym trainer or your family doctor.


Choose a physician who has a wholistic approach to disease-prevention—one who investigates your lifestyle, determines the cause of your health challenges and works on lifestyle changes.  Doctors who simply prescribe medication to address your symptoms will be unable to determine what truly ails you.


Now you can begin to understand the wisdom behind “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”  It simply means that if you choose the healthy way, your trips to the doctor can be avoided.


Once your plan is complete, it may look like this. And it bears repeating.


  • Sleep seven to 10 hours a day by 10 p.m. or before midnight.


  • Eat fresh organic food.


  • Consume five to six combined servings of vegetables and fruits daily.


  • Take 10-15 glasses of water everyday.


  • Exercise daily.


  • Avoid skipping meals or a night’s sleep.


  • Supplement with a multivitamin-mineral booster plus mega doses of vitamin C – calcium/sodium ascorbate (1,000-3,000 mg daily).


Super foods—Treat with reverence and devotion the bounty of nature that will make you well. God created natural medicine on land and in the sea.


AFA—In the heart of stem cell fascination is the possibility that cell nutrition is key to stem cell growth in the body. Aphanizomenon Flos-Aquae (AFA), a blue-green algae, showed encouraging results, as it acts to mobilize bone marrow stem cells.  The consumption of 1 gram of a patented AFA extract increased the number of stem cells by 25 percent or the equivalent of three million new stem cells in the bloodstream.


This according to Christian Drapeau, MSC, in “Cracking the Stem Cell Code.” There have been encouraging testimonials on wound-healing, asthma, diabetes, etc.  It is now in the Philippines.


Acai—Nobody wants to develop a fatty liver or heart disease. And this is why the color purple was designed to allay such fears.


The purple color is high in Orac value, for Oxygen Radical Absorbance capacity. In short, it eats up toxic elements in the blood caused by contaminated food, water and air.  Acai, prepared by Organique as a health tonic from Brazil and processed in the US, is a creamy and tasty concentrate that immediately boosts your energy levels (www.orga

nique.asia).  And if you want smoother complexion, acai does just that.


Coconut—The tree of life isn’t called this for nothing.  Its white meat sustains, its water hydrates, its milk nourishes and its virgin coco oil moisturizes.  Great for the lactose intolerant, the coconut is a safe and nutritional food.


Argan oil—Argan oil from Morocco has nutrients which include essential fatty acids (EFAs) omega-3 and the precursor of vitamin E linoleic acid, making it a rich source of antioxidants. Antioxidants work to combat free radicals, the culprit of cell damage and early signs of aging. Argan oil moisturizes the skin, corrects dryness and improves skin elasticity. It can help lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar.


Affirm today:  “I claim perfection in every way.”


Love and light!