Lose fat in 15 to 30 days

Of course you’ve known for six months or even longer that the beach party is only a month away, and you are now in panic mode.


The fact that you are attending the party means you look decent in a bikini and your weight may be just right, or even lacking for your height.


But there are always problem areas that bathing suits can’t hide. Exercise won’t do much at this point and crash dieting will make you look haggard, or you can even get sick.


Liposuction isn’t even a solution because you could still be tender, very bruised, swollen and experiencing some discomfort and pain for a month, and sunlight exposure this early may encourage pigmentation scarring.


Visible results


Considering your fast-approaching deadline, there is one non-invasive treatment from Allura Body Contour and Slimming Center that addresses your concern without the need for anesthesia, and shows visible results in 15 days. If you need results earlier than that, I have nothing safe to suggest for you.




Ultrashape V3 (version 3) is priced at P48,000 a session per area. But a single session is equivalent to the results of 10 Cavitation sessions. It’s perfect for those who need to lose fat in a certain area at a limited amount of time and do not want anything invasive.


How is this different from Ultrashape 1 and 2? Version 3 includes RF (radio frequency), about eight minutes before and after main treatment, to liquefy more fat.


Aside from fat and circumference loss, skin is also tighter and firmer, and cellulite looks less obvious.


Pain factor: The fat framing feels like they are trying to rip your fatty flesh off with their hands right before they tape around it. I have very low tolerance for heat as well, and when the hand piece zaps over the area near the bone, the pinpricks of heat does make me gasp. On fatty areas, the feeling is very tolerable. Treated areas also feel tender for a few hours after.


They weigh you, mark the areas with the biggest bulge, gather and bind to frame the fatty area tightly with tape, then use RF.


Main event: It uses ultrasound to blast the fat. Last step is RF treatment again. Results will be seen as early as five days. If you or they feel not enough fat was reduced after 15 days when you come back for measurement, you may opt for another session right away.


If you have no particular deadline one month after, another session is more ideal because you will still be shrinking and may not need another session. The UltraShape procedure is guided by a tracking and guidance system for 3D mapping of the body’s curvature to ensure complete and uniform energy delivery over the entire treatment area, minimizing the risk of contour irregularities—a common side effect of liposuction. The benefit: It ensures smooth, uniform body contouring results.


Suggested areas: thighs, love handles and stomach. Please manage expectations.  Clinical studies carried out by physicians show average circumference reduction that ranges from 3.5 to 6.3 cm after three treatments (results vary). Don’t expect pencil thighs and washboard abs if you came in with heavy thighs and two or more inches of pinched love handles.


This is best for people with the right weight and BMI (body mass index) as they are the ones who will come close to meeting personal expectations.


Restrictions: Low- to zero-fat diet for five days, so you do not overload your liver and kidneys during the elimination period where the blasted liquefied fat is lined up to be excreted via natural channels.


For inquiries, call Allura at tel. 3527879.