How to make a meatless burger

A burger, in its juicy and undeniably satisfying state, has become a staple in many diets; they’re just hard to compete with. But given the public’s growing preference for a healthier lifestyle, many alternatives to the glorious beef patty have been created.

And surprisingly, they are just as gratifying and good tasting as their meaty counterparts; don’t doubt the veggies as they do bring taste and texture to your burger patties. Corner Tree Café has the tofu and walnut kind, The Wholesome Table offers a burger made of zucchini and quinoa, while Green Pastures has one composed of organic chickpeas and mushroom. Here’s one made with black beans, flavored simply with pepper and cilantro

Black bean burger

Recipe by Jorge Mendez

Makes three 130-gram medium patties


Mixing bowl


Ring molder

Non-stick searing pan


300 grams black beans

1 egg white

3 tablespoons wheat flour

1 tablespoon lemon juice

4 sprigs fresh cilantro, chopped

30 grams red bell pepper, diced

30 grams green bell pepper, diced

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper

3 burger buns

sliced tomato




1. Wash black beans then place in a small pot. Pour enough water to cover the beans with about an inch of water on top. Let boil then bring to a simmer. When cooked, drain beans and allow to cool. Mash 30 grams of the cooked black beans. Set aside.

2. In a bowl, combine all the ingredients, including the beans. Wear gloves and gently mix with your hands.

3. Divide the mixture into three lumps. Mold each into patties with the use of a molder.

4. In an oiled pan on medium heat, place patty. Cook on each side. Place on paper towels after to absorb excess oil.

5. Assemble the burger by placing in between buns along with sliced tomatoes, lettuce, and yogurt. Serve.