Halloween banner

Create a cool “Mistah Monstah” banner to decorate your home this Halloween.

You will need:
Black trash bags, red duct tape, masking tape, bond paper, permanent marker and scissors

For the face:
1. Cut out fixed ends of the trash bag and spread out.

For the eyes:
2. Cut one sheet of bond paper into two uneven oval shapes.

For the hair:
3. Fold a bond paper lengthwise and cut thin, even strips .
4. To achieve a semi-curl for the hair, gently take the blades of your scissors and scrape the strips of the cut paper. This will give it texture.

Using masking tape or red duct tape, secure the strips of paper onto the edge of the flat side of the trash bag.

5. Make an outline on one side of your oval-shaped bond paper and cut it out—the hollow part when taped to the black trash bag will form the eye balls. Position and secure the eyes onto the trash bag using masking tape.

6. With your red duct tape, cut a strip to desired length to form the mouth; we cut diagonally on even strips of duct tape to form pointed tips to shape teeth.

Cut another strip of duct tape. To make it thinner, cut in the middle and use as eyebrows.

7. With a permanent marker, draw veins on the white part of the eyes.

8. Stick your Mistah Monstah banner on your doors, windows or walls.