Passenger slams airline after being ‘slut shamed’ by flight attendant

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One passenger of an Australian airline has taken to social media to unleash her grievances about her recent flight.

Shoshana Strykert took to Facebook on Feb. 11 where she called out Jetstar Airways after one of its flight attendants allegedly slut-shamed her during her flight last Feb. 8. Strykert was flying to visit her mother in the hospital.

After a flight mix up, I waited [five] hours to get another flight to Gold Coast. Instead I had to settle for a flight to Brisbane,” she said. “When I got onto the plane tired and [stressed] out the flight attendant told me that what I was wearing was inappropriate.”

She shared a picture of her outfit that day, which was a black cropped t-shirt, beige pants and black strappy sandals.

According to Strykert, the flight attendant asked her, “Do you see any men walking around with their shirts off?” and added, “Do you have a t-shirt you can put on or I will give you a blanket.”

The encounter attracted the attention of other passengers in the plane and left her feeling “embarrassed and shocked.”

A woman sitting behind me felt sorry for me so she offered me her jacket,” she said.

Jetstar Airways has since apologized to Strykert for the incident and also offered her a $50 travel voucher as compensation for the flight attendant’s actions.

“Sometimes disruptions to our service might put them under additional pressure and they mightn’t have the time to provide the level of service we would like,” Jetstar Customer Care wrote. “You have every right to expect polite, friendly and professional service, whenever you fly with us and I apologise if this was not your experience.”

But this gesture, for Strykert, only added damage to an already bad experience. 

“Thank you Jetstar, for slut shaming me and then offering me this in return,” she said. “I’m so disgusted.” JB


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