To the Moms Having a Bad Work Day, this One’s for You!

Dear Moms,

There are days when you are going to feel like you aren’t enough for your child. I’ve been told this feeling never really goes away. Some of you lay in bed worrying if your child is simply going to be, ok, figuring out this thing called life.

Just recently I watched a very compelling youtube video. It was uploaded so it seems nearly 4 years ago but the message is still so relevant today that it started circulating in all my mommy WhatsApp groups.

In this video they are advertising for a job and some of the requirements are as follows:

“This position requires excellent negotiation and interpersonal skills and someone that might have a Masters Degree in medicine, finance and the culinary arts. If you were to have a life we would ask you to give up that life and you must be able to work well in hostile environments.”

It doesn’t sound like a very desirable job does it. Oh,and there’s no pay, crazy right! I mean who would apply for such a position.

This video has 27 million hits and the impact it had on me, as a new mother was surprising. I’m only 4 months deep into “mothering” my daughter aka being a parent and I’m always tired yet fulfilled. Happy to see her face every day but always on the brink of crying everytime I’m in the shower. I find myself understanding the theory behind why the majority of moms who I know are always in active wear. And it’s opened my eyes even more than ever to seeing my own mom as a modern day superhero.

So, dear moms—me included, when we have those days when we feel like we aren’t enough for our family, rewatch this video and remember that we have the toughest job in the world. AND the most important. We might be tired and always in active wear but we are awesome.

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Carpenter preserves old Shanghai, one nail at a time