Bed sheet workouts and abs in two weeks: Get moving while at home

Gyms are rightfully closed for the time being. But that means your at-home fitness studio is now open for business. Since we don’t have to bother with commuting to and fro work, you’ve automatically got extra hours to log in. If you’re like me who used the gym to leave the house and find new friends, now is the time you can find a program that’s particular to your needs and just concentrate on the burn.

If you’re an extrovert who misses the solidarity found in group classes, I highly suggest Chloe Ting. She not only tells you what to do but her videos are timed so you can do the movements with her.

Her programs are targeted for different body areas and specific goals. Try out her 2-week challenges if you want to see results quickly.

When it comes to developing a healthy lifestyle, I like to watch Keltie O’Connor. She’s fun because she loves candies, tries out insane diets, and tackle relatable scenarios like that post-binge eating bloat.

I consulted further with fitness manager Zabrine Bonoan on who else she’d recommend. For home-based exercises that are suitable for beginners, she suggested Adrian Bryant. Bed sheet workouts, anyone?

If you need more than just workouts but also insights into the healthy lifestyle, there’s Whitney Simmons

Stephanie Buttermore is here for those who want to get a little nerdy. She’s a Ph.D. in pathology and cell biology so her approach to fitness, training, beauty, lifestyle, food challenges and nutrition comes with a scientific twist.


Explore more workout YouTube channels or apps while you’re at home. Don’t be afraid to try different ones until you get to the program you’re comfortable with.


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