Using multiple skincare products at once could solve your skin concerns


Skincare can get a little complicated sometimes.

You see, the different areas of your face have different dermal requirements. Your cheeks can be as dry as the Sahara Desert, but your T-zone can go as oily as the mushy fries you forgot in your bag. When you have combination skin, it requires a bit of hair-pulling to develop a skincare regimen good for you.

Before you even shop for that promising potion, accept the fact that there’s no cure for all our skin problems. Instead of relying on just one product, why don’t you try using multiple products tailored for each problem area?

This practice is called multi-tasking, and it has been quite popular in the recent years. As Refinery29 points out, “masks are less of a rescue product to slap on misbehaving skin and more of a habitual and integrated part of skin-care maintenance.”

But wait! As you reach out for the various masks on your bathroom counter, you suddenly realize, who has the time to make mask cocktails a habit? Even if you can listen to a short podcast, watch one episode of your favorite show, read a book, or maybe enjoy a glass of rosé during those 20 minutes or so, you’d rather use that time to actually sleep, right?

The good thing with multi-masking, though, is it’s flexible. If you think you can’t allot more than 10 minutes to this ritual, there are still products that can accommodate your frugality for time.

Today, clay has become a far more innovative ingredient. Clay has become more accessible through clay foam cleansers. These clay mask and foam cleanser hybrids have the convenience of cleansers and the potency of clay masks.

The cult classic brand Pond’s, for example, uses Moroccan clay (also known as red clay) in their clay foam concoctions. Moroccan clay is the less drying cousin of the popular bentonite clay. That doesn’t mean it’s less effective. Moroccan clay is great for strengthening, brightening, purifying, and even soothing the skin.

In this line of clay foam cleansers, Pond’s introduces three variants: Pond’s White Beauty Mineral Clay Facial Foam that brightens and smoothens, Pond’s Pure White Mineral Clay Facial Foam that detoxifies, and Pond’s Clear Solutions Mineral Clay Facial Foam that controls oil . Choose one clay foam for your main skin concern. Then, pair it up with Pond’s Mineral Clay Leave-on Mask twice a week. As of now, they have detoxifying and brightening masks that could make for the perfect mask cocktail: detoxifying variant on your T-zone and the brightening one on the rest of your face. The good thing? These masks only require 10 minutes to remove dirt and replenish the skin with valuable minerals for that bouncy glow.

Skincare is not always about taking so much time in front of your bathroom sink. As long as you feel good with yourself, even a short amount of time—10 minutes, maybe?—will do. Your skin will thank you, that’s for sure!

Ready for that bouncy glow? Get Pond’s here.

Art by Renz Mart Reyes