You can now get Final Cut Pro X and Logic Pro X for free

Are you there, Oscars? It’s me, future Best Editing awardee. With Adobe Photoshop, writing workshops and a bunch of Ivy League courses free for the taking, budding filmmakers are getting another helpful resource. The home movie of your dreams may just be on the horizon, now that Apple has made video and editing programs Final Cut Pro X and Logic Pro X free for a longer period of time.

While a regular trial for Final Cut Pro X usually runs for a month, Apple has extended the run to 90 days. The same goes for audio workstation Logic Pro X, which previously didn’t offer a trial option.

“We hope customers who are home and looking for something new to master will try out these free trials and start making some awesome new beats with Logic Pro X or create some amazing videos with Final Cut Pro X,” an Apple spokesperson tells Mashable.

Safe to say, this one is a deal. On standard days, Final Cut Pro X has a whopping price tag of P14,990, while Logic Pro X closes in with approximately P10,000.

Read more: Heads up students, you can now download Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign for free

You can download Final Cut Pro X at the App Store and Logic Pro X on Apple’s site. When you have these programs up and running, you can take a side trip to this videography online workshop taught by the greats, and all for the price of—you guessed it—zero pesos.

Photo from Unsplash