It’s a wrap! Do a fashion theme

RALPH Lauren packaging

Now that you’ve gone through your shopping list, it’s time to bring out your magical craft box.


One thing I enjoy about gift-giving is the element of surprise—first, being presented with a beautifully wrapped gift, excitedly untying its ribbon, curiously unwrapping paper, and finally discovering the contents it holds. Yes, I love the drama and delight!


So I invite you  to unleash your creativity and make Christmas gift-giving even more special! Who doesn’t love to surprise and be surprised by a wonderful present?  Shower your family and friends with even more love by taking extra time and effort to customize the packaging.


To get started, source materials you can add to your gift-wrapping kit: ribbons, old jewelry pouches, scrap fabrics, old costume jewelry and more. No need to stick to the classic red and green Christmas theme. Keep a box of old and new materials you can always dive into.


Interior designer and event stylist Barbie Pardo-Tiangco suggests: “Recycle, recycle, recycle. Don’t limit yourself to store-bought wrappers, ribbons and accessories. Look around the house and you’ll be surprised at what you might find.”


Some of her favorite materials include old fashion magazines, newsprint, yellow pages and craft paper. Add to the element of surprise by telling a story through packaging.


Decide on a gift-wrapping theme. I suggest choosing one that reflects the personality of the recipient or provides a hint of the contents  it conceals. Carefully select the materials, colors and details that will best communicate your theme.


DECIDE on a gift-wrapping theme. Choose one that reflects the personality of the recipient or provides a hint of the contents inside.

Barbie also advises using boxes or bags when you can, especially for soft or odd-shaped items.


Show your gift-wrapping prowess! What better place to get some creative inspiration than the glitzy world of fashion. Coco Chanel, Kate Spade, Paul Smith, Ralph Lauren, Prada are only some. Marvel at these charming surprises that Barbie Pardo-Tiangco has wrapped up.


Barbie Pardo-Tiangco is an interior designer and event stylist. Contact her at


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