As Ballet Philippines girds for its golden anniversary in 2019, the company seems to be headed for an overhaul. National Artist Alice Reyes, BP’s founder and artistic director, is apparently on her way back onto the dance scene, albeit quietly.
The company has witnessed an exodus of principals who sought jobs on cruise ships, for instance.
Artistic director Paul Morales, who has served the company since 2009, has revived the tradition established by Reyes of having a balanced repertoire of classical ballet and contemporary works. BP president Margie Moran-Floirendo has been working hard to keep the company sustainable and to raise funds for its productions.
Still, the company has been rife with tension, insiders say. A former ballet master reportedly had a bitter quarrel with Morales. A couple of dancers, who reportedly asked permission to audition overseas, were said to have been barred instead from entering the Cultural Center of the Philippines, BP’s home base. The company could use a morale boost.
Indeed, these are exciting times for BP.—Marge Enriquez