Instagram blogger reveals truth behind flawless bikini pictures

Instagram blogger Imre Çeçen flaunts her super-fit bod online—but isn’t afraid to reveal that there’s more to flawless photos than most people realize.

In between shots of toned abs and thighs, Çeçen reveals what her body actually looks like when she isn’t posing or is under a different type of light.

These posts resonate with several women, who praise her for her honesty and body positivity.

One such photo is a typical poolside photo of her legs. In another one, she reveals how her legs actually look when she relaxes and they appear like “huge piles of meat,” as she describes.

She assures followers that the photo on the right is “normal” but because so many of the photos on the left appear online, girls tend to be “self conscious” about how their legs appear.

“Hello! Your legs are being pushed against a surface, they are supposed to expand! This doesn’t mean you’re fat. Even muscle will just look like a huge shapeless pile of meat when there’s no flexing involved.”

She also shares the struggle to get that type of photo: “Creating that thighgap (sic) & skinny legs feel was real hard. I had to arch my back like crazy, hold my legs up (serious ab work was involved) and had to sit on the edge of the pool which caused me to almost fall. Both my camera & I would have drowned in the sadness of insta perfection.”

She also fearlessly flaunts her bloated stomach:

“Although most of us instagirls seem to have a flat tummy 24/7 we really don’t. Most pictures on the internet are posed and show sucked in and flexed bellies,” she writes.

She too has not been immune to having an unrealistic view of her body because of too-perfect pictures online: “Great and all but it can give you a disformed (sic) idea of reality. Cause yes, I also get affected by what I see on the internet. I have stood in front of my mirror many times wondering why I looked like I was carrying triplets whilst all other fitgirls (sic) seemed to have a flat tummy all the freaking time.”

And while Çeçen shares fitness and diet tips online, she preaches self-love: “Appreciate that your body is constantly working to keep you alive…Your body is not your enemy but your ally! LOVE YOURSELF!” JB


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