Plant-based milk reaches peak form through pea milk | Lifestyle.INQ

OCTOBER 27, 2022

Pea milk. Pea milk. Pea milk.

You’d think if you say it often enough it stops sounding ridiculous, but it doesn’t. So go on. Make the jokes, commence the snorting. You good? Great.

Petty humor aside, this milk is the latest and apparently the healthiest addition to the array of plant-based milks that’s taken our recently health-conscious world by storm. After the coming of soy milk, coconut milk, and the holy trinity of nut-based milks, we now have milk made from peas. No, not green peas. We’re talking yellow.

Ripple was the first leading brand of pea milk, launched with $44 Million in support from Google and Silicon Valley

Washington Post recently wrote about it with the headline “Get ready for pea milk. It doesn’t taste like peas and it’s not even green.” Here, they talk about the perks of the pea milk, how it’s made and how it compares to the controversial almond milk.

“Pea milk doesn’t taste like peas, and it’s not made in the same way almond milk is, by soaking in water,” wrote Maura Judkis. She goes on to explain how this dairy alternative has “10 grams of protein per serving, as compared to one gram in many almond milk. It has more calcium than dairy milk. It is fortified with 110 percent of a consumer’s daily requirement for B12.” She also mentions that production of pea milk has “a much lower water footprint than growing almonds, and a much smaller carbon footprint than raising dairy cows.”

A variation of pea milk flavors from Campbell-owned Bolthouse Farms

Bolthouse Farms, one of the two leading brands of pea milk at the moment, has their production process explained in a feature from OneGreenPlanet.Org as follows. “Bolthouse Farms first harvests the yellow peas and mills them into flour. The flour is processed, separating the pea protein from the fiber and starch. Then the pea protein is further purified and blended together with water and other ingredients, such as sunflower oil, sea salt, as well as vitamins like B12.”

The outcome? What does the pea milk taste like if it doesn’t taste like pea? Well, according to Michelle Woo, mom blogger from Offspring.Lifehacker.Com, “It’s drinkable with a silky, creamy, not-too-heavy texture and just a slightly chalky aftertaste. The vanilla flavor is quite sweet, but would be great in coffee.”

Now, I commence the wait until pea milk is finally an option at Starbucks or available in Philippine supermarkets.

Photos courtesy of,, and


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