Dear Amy,
This is my nth attempt at writing you a letter. There’s so much to say, but I’m just having a hard time putting it into writing. I want it to be perfect and worthy, but I can’t seem to find the focus and I feel as if I really need to do it now, even if I don’t want to rush it.
It’s been tough since I first heard about your passing. I’ve never met you, I’ve never attended any of your concerts, and I don’t own all your CDs or know all the words to all of your songs—but you as a singer and your songs have made a huge impact on me and my life. I’m sure I’m not the only one.
I was an instant fan the first time I saw you perform. With your unique voice and soulful delivery, that was easy. You were like no one around—and that was very, very good. Maybe you had a mission to revolutionize the music industry by not being like everyone else, or maybe you were simply just being your own special self and didn’t really care about the industry and image and all that. Whatever the case, you did it; you made a huge impact. You made us give you a second look (thanks to your Cleopatra eyes and beehive ’do), and more importantly, you got us listening. You got us hooked.
Thank you for the great melodies and very personal lyrics you didn’t mind sharing with the rest of the world. Thanks for wearing your heart on your sleeve and writing about your heartbreaks, for giving us a soundtrack, for giving us anthems and go-to songs when we’re down and want to stay in that state for a little more time.
Thanks for showing us that it’s all right to skip autotune and that singing live is still the best. Thanks for wowing us with each and every performance of yours. After all, you always sing a song differently, even if it’s the same song—and because of that you are a genius.
It may not have been your goal, but thanks for scaring us and reminding us how drugs and alcohol can ruin life. I am not a fan of illegal drugs and I do not know you personally, but I am sure you had a reason—good or bad—for taking them. It’s just too sad how it ruined your health, your performances and even your relationships at some point. But I am so thankful that you eventually did want to conquer your demons, and tried hard to do so.
Thank you for being all about passion and love. From the things you did in the name of romantic love to the way you attacked every song and performance, love and passion were evident. And that’s just so inspiring, reminding us that life, after all, is about love and passion.
It sucks how I’ll never get to see you perform live anymore, and how there will be no more new songs from you. Oh well, your old songs are always just there. I know I’ll never get tired of them.
You made such a great contribution to the music industry, and now that you’re gone, it’s a little quiet. You are such a loss. I envy the angels jamming and listening to your new stuff now.
I love you, Amy. You’re incomparable. Thank you for the music. Your songs kept me company and you reminded me how good it is to be yourself. Thank you so much. I’ll never forget you.