Water Snake year signals the dawning of the Age of Aquarius | Lifestyle.INQ

OCTOBER 27, 2022

(Editor’s Note: The writer is the author of “A Miracle Awaits You,” “Feng Shui of the Mind” and other best sellers.)


At the strike of 3:20 p.m. on Feb. 10, the Water Snake rules.


This year of the Water Snake is most significant because it falls on the first year of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, which began on Dec. 22, 2012, the first day of the new Mayan calendar based on its Long Count of 5,125 years.


“Aquarius,” the song from the rock musical “Hair,” was written by Galt MacDermot 50 years too early. The break of dawn happened only on Dec. 22, 2012. Clearly, to the relief of many, the world did not end on Dec. 21, 2012, as a great number of people had predicted and feared.


The Mayans never said the world was going to end physically. It was their calendar reaching its final days with the inscription that 90 gods were going to descend on earth which, in numerology, simply meant spirituality and universal love would begin its reign in our planet.


Some doomsayers have also predicted that 2032 is really the year when our earth would come to a catastrophic end. On the contrary, in Esoteric Astrology, 2032 will be the time that the Age of Pisces, characterized by 2,000 years of opposing and conflicting ideas, comes to a close and the Age of Aquarius begins.


Between then and now, dramatic changes will be observed that will signal the transformation of man’s consciousness. Every man begins realizing that the God they have been praying to can really be found within themselves. Because of this realization, man’s spirituality will expand and move beyond religion, which has been the cause of man going against man, of horrendous wars in the name of God.


Resentments lead to cancer


The Year of the Water Snake symbolizes healing and wellness as shown in medical science’s Aesculapius, where two serpents coil around each other in their middle section. It is also a well-known fact that the venom of the snake has produced various medicines that extend and not obliterate life. This is in direct contrast to some geomancers’ prediction of treachery that probably was derived from the biblical tempting of Eve by the serpent.


Today, medical science has enough data to support the concept that many, if not all, diseases have its origin in the mental and emotional aspects of man. For example, resentments can ultimately lead to cancer and other catastrophic ailments. Germs and the viruses are not being ignored because they are magnetized by people with certain unhealthy thoughts and feelings.


A simple illustration: Ten people out on a picnic can eat from the same bowl of salad but only one or two may get food poisoning. Those who get sick are the ones who have the mental and emotional states to match the poison. These negative feelings were all created in response to some unresolved problems in their relationships.


For the Water Snake year of wellness and healing, I recommend that every body forgives everyone that needs forgiveness from them, which includes forgiving themselves. Once they have done this, they can expect all kinds of blessings to unfold in their lives.


This is also a year of reflection, planning and seeking answers to many questions that lingered in the Year of the Dragon.


Politics will also be the order of the year. As early as now, we have already seen changes in the government, what with a popular and trend-setting president at the helm.


It will truly be an excellent year for commerce and industry, with an upgrade to be evident everywhere despite what the critics have to say. Music and literature will also flourish. Theater will be revitalized and will experience some kind of renaissance.

Romance and courtships will be in the air while fashion will experience once more the elegance and fluidity of the Jackie Kennedy and Princess Grace of Monaco Era.


Affirmation prayer


I would like to share a short note of affirmation I composed for the First Year of Aquarian Dawning. For those who have a lot of forgiving to do, repeating this affirmation would go a long way in making it easier for them to do so. This is best recited daily: the moment you wake up in the morning and before retiring in the evening. You may also view this at midday on YouTube under the title, “The First Year of the Aquarian Dawning.”


This, when passed on to as many people as possible, can help us create a happier and more fulfilled world. It should bring us blessings beyond all fondest expectations.


“The First Year of the Aquarian Dawning”


This is the year I experience youthful vibrancy, vigor and vitality;


This is the year my finances increase and multiply by leaps and bounds;


This is the year when my relationships overflow with love and understanding;


This is the year I exude greater confidence and enthusiasm;


This is the year I overcome all challenges easily and effortlessly;


This is the year I accomplish great works which bring me honor and respect;


This is the year I share my blessings with no holds barred;


This is the year that the “I Am” within me reveals more of “Itself” to me.


Wonderful, Lovable, God-like me, 2013 is the year all my dreams come true!


What’s in store


What is in store for the different animal signs of the Lunar calendar in the Year of the Water Snake?


OX: The song “Let the Good Times Roll” says it all for the ox. Money will come easy and everything wonderful seems within reach. Challenges with associates are indicated but can still be resolved with up-front and sincere talk.


TIGER: A rather steady and tranquil year for the tiger. Gains are enough, losses controlled and progress stable. The only challenges in the horizon are with intimate relations.


RABBIT: The rabbit may not see any tangible progress this year but everything is preparing him for something better. The rabbit may be considering a change of residence or even a change of career for invigorating revitalization.


ROOSTER: After a good dragon year, the rooster is still ahead. Enough monetary gains are expected. If losses do occur, they would be minimal. No unnecessary journeys please.


DOG: The Dog enjoys a very good year. His hard work will be duly recognized by the right people who will further help him move forward. Business, investments will boom.


PIG: A very busy year for the pig. He will travel extensively and be involved in aggressive speculations, partnerships and joint ventures. Extravagant overspending is indicated.


RAT: Caution is the key word for the rat when investments are concerned or making major and important decisions. There will be positive developments toward the third quarter of the year.


HORSE: A demand on the horse’s energy and time could prove a bit taxing this year. Challenges with partners and/or friends are indicated.


SHEEP: Quite a promising year for the sheep. Will find himself in positions of power and influence. His popularity quotient increases.


SNAKE: Not a good year to make major changes. A year for simply reconsidering other options. Achievements are fairly good but the snake always expects more.


MONKEY: A relatively happy year for the monkey. Friends and superiors are supportive. Good times are in store. But monkey must hold his tongue.


DRAGON: A very fortunate year for the dragon in business and his other pursuits. Everything goes like clockwork with minor glitches, if any at all. The dragon, most of all, must remember that he has people around him who want to be noticed, taken care of and paid attention to.


Western, Eastern combo


For additional insights, one can combine the Western and Eastern signs as indicated in the chart below.


Observe that the Snake is the equivalent of the Western sign of Taurus and the Horse is the equivalent of the Western sign of Gemini. Thus, if you were born in the Year of the Snake and you are a Gemini you can read the indications for both the Snake and the Horse.

President Aquino


Let us take President Aquino as an example: He was born in the Year of the Rat. But being born on Feb. 8, an Aquarian sign, the equivalent of which is a Tiger in the Eastern zodiac, he could read both the Rat and the Tiger to discover a more extensive version of what’s in store for him in the Year of the Water Snake.


Therefore, the President must remember that “caution” is the keyword when investments are concerned and when making major and important decisions. He can expect positive developments in the third quarter of the year. Being also a Rat, this year promises to be a steady and tranquil year. Gains are enough and losses controlled. Progress is stable. The only challenges in the horizon are with intimate relations.


Have a fabulous and awesome Year of the Water Snake!






Taurus Snake     1917       1929       1941       1953       1965       1977       1989       2001       2013


Gemini Horse    1906       1918       1930       1942       1954       1966       1978       1990       2002


Cancer Sheep    1907       1919       1931       1943       1955       1967       1979       1991       2003


Leo Monkey       1908       1920       1932       1944       1956       1968       1980       1992       2004


Virgo Rooster    1909       1921       1933       1945       1957       1969       1981       1993       2005


Libra Dog             1910       1922       1934       1946       1958       1970       1982       1994       2006


Scorpio Pig          1911       1923       1935       1947       1959       1971       1983       1995       2007


Sagittarius Rat   1912       1924       1936       1948       1960       1972       1984       1996       2008


Capricorn Ox      1913       1925       1937       1949       1961       1973       1985       1997       2009


Aquarius Tiger   1914       1926       1938       1950       1962       1974       1986       1998       2010


Pisces Rabbit      1915       1927       1939       1951       1963       1975       1987       1999       2011


Aries Dragon      1916       1928       1940       1952       1964       1976       1988       2000       2012



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