If you weren’t all up on our social media accounts (@scoutmagph on IG, Twitter, and Snapchat by the way) you missed out on our best stories this week. Here they are again, just for you.
- “Ranking The Potential Saviors Of Westworld’s Human Race” – How come you aren’t up on Westworld yet? We figure out the show just as the finale gave us more questions than answers.
- “Everfilter Is Cool, But Don’t Use It Just Yet” – Yup, don’t use it. With the app being temporarily out of Google Play and the App Store, you might not even get to have it anytime soon.
- “Martial Law History Is Being Changed On Wikipedia” – Even Wikipedia isn’t safe from historical revisionism.
- “Scout Friday Picks: Lauren Reid” – If you’re looking to listen to chill party music, this playlist by our November-December 2016 cover Lauren Reid is for you.
- “5 K-pop Idols Who’ve Mastered the Art of Savagery” – They may look like they came straight out of heavevn, but who says your K-pop idols behave like angels? We list down our favorite K-pop stars who start mean and end up being hilarious.