Running out of pet supplies during the lockdown? This online pet shop delivers | Lifestyle.INQ

OCTOBER 27, 2022

If you’re like me, you might’ve spent the days leading up to the “community quarantine” panic buying food and supplies for your furbaby. It’s understandable, especially if the malls in your area are closing and the groceries near you don’t have an adequate selection of pet stuff.

Here’s some good news to keep your fears at bay: if you find yourself running out of supplies, online store Pet Warehouse is delivering during the lockdown. 

“There’s no stopping your pet heroes so no pet shall go hungry in this time of need,” they posted on their social media pages, while at the same time assuring buyers that they’re taking safety precautions to make sure that the items and their drivers remain clean, healthy and well-sanitized. 

The store offers a wide variety of products for different kinds of animals: dogs, cats, fishes and small animals like guinea pigs and hamsters. For example: I just ordered tofu litter for my cat (he just went through surgery so his normal clay litter, which could stick to his incision, wasn’t advisable).

You can choose between four payment options: credit card, Paypal, bank deposit and cash on delivery. They have in-house drivers for deliveries but you can also use Grab Express or Lalamove to deliver your items (except for COD payments).

petwarehouseph nolisoli covid 19 coronavirus delivery
You can also easily donate to CARA Welfare and PAWS through the site

If you’d like, you could also donate items to animal shelters through the shop. You just need to order as you normally would, and then when you check out the items, use the “LETMEHELP” voucher code and click on the shelter of your choice (the shop lets you choose between PAWS and Cara Welfare) at the shipping option page. 


Header photo courtesy of Matthew Henry on Unsplash

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