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OCTOBER 27, 2022

Category: Beauty

5 lavender-based products for every sleep-deprived millennial

If there’s anyone guilty of staying up way too late and not getting the prescribed eight hours of sleep, it’s us kids. Whether it’s because of work, school, anxiety, Netflix shows, or nothing at all (yeah, we all have those days where we just can’t get some shut eye), this bad habit has got to go. Don’t need no science and stats to prove it–people who have healthy sleeping habits aren’t just healthier, but also generally happier.

Sleeping pills aren’t for everyone, so why not just try out some new stuff that can both help you crash and plump up your skin? The lavender plant has been known to reduce stress, relax, calm, and improve sleep by just smelling it. If there’s an ingredient an insomniac might want to look for in the things that they buy, it’s this. So go ahead and grab some warm milk and turn on some soothing, ambient sounds. Here’s a list of products that may help the sleep-deprived finally get their eight hours of rest.

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