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OCTOBER 27, 2022

Category: Lifestyle

5 lavender-based products for every sleep-deprived millennial

If there’s anyone guilty of staying up way too late and not getting the prescribed eight hours of sleep, it’s us kids. Whether it’s because of work, school, anxiety, Netflix shows, or nothing at all (yeah, we all have those days where we just can’t get some shut eye), this bad habit has got to go. Don’t need no science and stats to prove it–people who have healthy sleeping habits aren’t just healthier, but also generally happier.

Sleeping pills aren’t for everyone, so why not just try out some new stuff that can both help you crash and plump up your skin? The lavender plant has been known to reduce stress, relax, calm, and improve sleep by just smelling it. If there’s an ingredient an insomniac might want to look for in the things that they buy, it’s this. So go ahead and grab some warm milk and turn on some soothing, ambient sounds. Here’s a list of products that may help the sleep-deprived finally get their eight hours of rest.

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5 organizations where you can do volunteer work

Last year, we worked on a story that profiled five millennials working in non-governmental organizations created for different ways of giving back. Carlo Delantar works for Waves for Water, dedicated to providing clean water to people in need of it. Fennel, founded by Julienne Joven and Vincent Perez, is an NGO that helps different NGOs in communicating their purpose and creating strategies. There’s also Mark Lozano’s One Million Lights PH, which is similar to Waves for Water except it’s for distributing lights instead. Dynamic Teen Company, on the other hand, empowers disadvantaged children and educates them on their rights, says advocate Emanuel Bagual. Truly, these young millennials are breaking the entitled and selfish stereotypes so frequently (and unfairly) placed on their generation.

But you don’t need to be the young founders of NGOs to help people, of course. Volunteering in these groups is already more than enough. Through helping others, you can counter your stress, anger, and anxiety, and learn how to empathize with those who are in need. Aside from the NGOs listed above, here’s some more you can check out. The closer it is to your interests and personality, the better!

Give yourself a much needed break from the toxic city life by volunteering with these organizations:

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Why you should try meditation

I used to be a skeptic of meditation. I mean, hours of just sitting there, with eyes closed, drowning in your own thoughts? No, thank you. To me, it felt pretentious–telling people that you feel calm because you allowed your mind to wander and took deep breaths or whatever. Besides, I can’t even sit still for ten minutes. What more if I do it for an hour?

A few months ago, in a routine visit to my psychologist, she suggested that I try meditation to help me cope with my depression and anxiety. I immediately shook my head and told her that it wasn’t for me, that I won’t ever be able to adhere to it. But I tried it anyway, and surprisingly enough…I liked it. Now, it’s become a part of my daily routine, and it changed the way I took care of my mental health.

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Why I think labels are overrated and unnecessary in a relationship

He was mine and I was his, but I wasn’t his girlfriend. We were together, committed, and contented. We didn’t label our relationship, but it was more than enough for the both of us. We agreed to be exclusive, to be committed to each other, but we never made it official. I didn’t see the need for it. My heart was in the right place. I didn’t need a label for assurance.

I decided that labels were shit, that if we were both clear on where we stand on each other’s lives, it wouldn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter. I didn’t want to be labelled as the girlfriend. It felt restricting. I wanted him, sure, but I didn’t want the social pressures and expectations that came hand-in-hand with labels.

You probably think that I’m crazy. I mean, what person in their right mind would voluntarily subject herself to a relationship filled with incessant what ifs and second guessing? Well, here’s the hard truth: labels aren’t everything. You can be one of the lucky ones where the guy immediately professes his love and offers his devotion, with the most awaited “Will you be my girlfriend” question, but on the other hand, you could be one of those with a shitty why-did-we-rush-into-this-when-I-don’t-even-know-what- your-political-affiliation-is type of thing.

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Here’s a list of all upcoming Christmas bazaars for the broke millennial

Christmas doesn’t only mean getting fat from reunions and putting that Jose Mari Chan record on repeat. You’ve got Christmas bonuses and 13th month pays coming in, and malls are certainly taking advantage of the situation by having sales that lure people into buying things that they don’t really need. These sales also serve as the perfect opportunity to buy gifts for your loved ones.

However, if you’re a broke college-aged millennial like me who still relies on aguinaldo and pamasko from titos and titas, then mall sales wouldn’t be your last resort (since honestly, the prices are still sky high and the 10% discount doesn’t really make much of a difference). Luckily, bazaars were invented and they’re definitely serving their purpose of providing us with items that aren’t only cute and useful, but are also pretty cheap as far as prices are concerned! Don’t know where to start and which bazaars you should go to? We’ve rounded up nine bazaars and warehouse sales happening around the metro during the holiday season:

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10 ways to de-stress without breaking the bank

It happens even to the best of us–the physical and mental exhaustion brought by piles and piles of work, peer pressure, and social expectations. We’re stressed about our work, our deadlines, our relationships. Hell, we’re stressed about being stressed. All we want to do is go somewhere far away, preferably to a beach, with a cold bottle of beer, and then chill for the rest of our lives.

But self-care doesn’t always mean an expensive vacation or a full day at the spa. Sometimes, even the smallest things can make you instantly feel better. Here are 10 simple self-care tips to help you get through the rough patches:

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Find the 2018 planner best suited for your personality

We’re almost at the end of 2017 and y’all know what that means. Nope, not the holidays (but we guess that’s pretty cool too). A bunch of new 2018 planners are up for grabs and we can all attempt to be organized again for the nth time. Seriously though, there’s nothing better than the feeling of a new planner, its shiny, clean pages, and (at least) trying to get your life together.

With the staggering amount of planners available out there, it may be hard to find the perfect fit that’s best for your personality. Should you get that cute Sunnies planner or the hilarious Tita Witty one? Save all your overthinking; we’ve compiled a handy dandy list for you to find your one true match.

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