12 ways to respond when your family is being homophobic
If you ever find yourself itching for a clap back to your homophobic family, we’ve packed 12 reply ideas for your next conversation
If you ever find yourself itching for a clap back to your homophobic family, we’ve packed 12 reply ideas for your next conversation
Hong Kong’s Oscar 2021 bid lets us sit in a classroom prepping for a national exam
We may or may not share the same style with her, but one thing’s for sure—our moms made us discover what we actually wanted
I would let The Darkling ruin Ravka’s enemies (and me) #ScoutThirstTrap
I’d date an IRL version of him in a heartbeat #ScoutThirstTrap
I’ve always had that kind of heart, but decades since my first brush with infatuation, it turns out that sapping circumstances can reveal some rewarding experiences, too
Unlike Jesse and Celine in “Before Sunrise,” I can never love—much more fall in love with— people I barely know.
Alternatively, an aromantic’s thoughts on love stories
It’s three fuckin’ words yet somehow always so difficult to say
The latest in global fashion, beauty, and culture through a contemporary Filipino perspective.