A Nueva Ecija tropical paradise makes dream garden weddings come true
A resort in landlocked Talavera, Nueva Ecija has become a wedding destination of choice for couples who want a scenic outdoor experience for their big day.
A resort in landlocked Talavera, Nueva Ecija has become a wedding destination of choice for couples who want a scenic outdoor experience for their big day.
A certain mountaintop in the Visayas might still be a patch of wild terrain today if Michel Lhuillier had followed a divergent career path in his youth. “He wanted to become a farmer when he graduated from De La Salle (University),” revealed his wife, Dr. Amparito Llamas Lhuillier, the light-heartedness evident in her voice as she shared the fond memory. Instead, his dream of a pastoral life was deferred for a few decades while he pursued a more lucrative trajectory in jewelry and finance. Now, after raising their family and building a business empire together, the indefatigable couple is enjoying that long-awaited bucolic lifestyle in the hills high above Cebu.
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