TOPSHOP is delighted to announce a third campaign featuring British supermodel Cara Delevingne for Spring-Summer 2015. Shot in a studio by renowned photographer Alasdair McLellan and styled by Topshop creative director Kate Phelan, this shoot moves on from the previous two with emphasis on a clean and pared down aesthetic. The collection features Cara in a series of 15 compelling images wearing key looks from the Spring-Summer 2015 collection, including the black dress she wore to the 5th Avenue opening in New York. Topshop is owned and operated by Robinsons Specialty Stores Inc., a subsidiary of Robinsons Retails Holdings Inc. Get the latest style updates through Topshop’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/topshopphilippines. Follow Topshop on Twitter and Instagram @Topshop_PH.

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