A study suggested that people’s sexual habits may include doing it in self-driving cars a couple of decades from now.
Published in the journal Annals of Tourism Research, the study suggested that when self-driving cars become commonplace by 2040, people having sex in them will more likely happen.
The survey conducted showed that 60 percent of Americans have had sex in the car. This is because a car can provide a relatively private space wherein two people can be intimate. Without a driver to gossip about what happens in the back seat, self-driving cars would afford private time for couples to do the deed while moving to a specific location.
Moving beyond couples, the sex industry also stands to benefit from such lifestyle.
“Sex is a part of urban tourism and commercialized sex is part of that too,” said Scott Cohen, deputy director of research of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the University of Surrey.
“So it is quite likely that autonomous vehicles will lead to prostitution, whether legal or illegal, to take place in moving autonomous vehicles in the future.”
While the study explored the idea of having sex in a self-driving car, the team also mentioned other industries that could reap benefits from self-driving vehicles. The study suggested, for example, that businesses focused on sleeping and dining could also cater to people constantly on the go. Alfred Bayle /ra
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