As we enter the dry season, the temperature is expected to go higher. This annoying heat seems unbearable. And if plants could speak our language, they might be complaining, too.
Wilting is a plant’s primary reaction to heat. Aside from that, plants contain approximately 95% water and wilting is also a sign of thirst. Through drooping their leaves, evaporation is minimized and the remaining moisture or energy is conserved. While it’s amusing to see time-lapse videos of languid leaves regain vigor, regularly allowing plants to go limp before watering might be detrimental to their health.
Usually, thorough watering will resurrect wilted leaves. However, always make sure that the plants really need water before giving them a drink. There’s no suggested watering schedule, but is is best to water early in the morning. The best way to determine is to check the soil moisture with your finger or a stick. When it’s an inch dry, then water thoroughly or until water runs out of the pot’s hole.
Wilting may also be a symptom of root rot due to over watering. When plants get root rot, they lose the ability to absorb water. Hence, no matter how much water you give a plant, it remains limp. Combat over watering is by providing soil with good drainage (through the addition of compost and coarse materials like perlite) and enough sunlight.
Have a good weekend you lot
A post shared by Haarkon / India & Magnus (@haarkon_) on Mar 17, 2017 at 2:10pm PDT
It’s also important to keep it cool down there. Roots are responsible for water absorption. Mulching with dried leaves may help maintain moisture around the root area. If your plants are due for re-potting, opt for clay or terracotta pots with drainage holes. Although it dries faster than plastic pots, clay pots are breathable and remain cooler than plastic pots. Also, clay pots are more sustainable as they don’t get brittle under the heat of the sun unlike plastic pots (You’re planting to save the earth, right?).
You can also group plants together to make their environment cooler.
The best way to keep your garden (whether indoor or outdoor) is to watch their little actions and act accordingly.