Here’s what to do (or not to do), and the crystals you can work with if you’re into that
It’s been a few months since Mercury was last in retrograde, and honestly, I’ve forgotten about it. At least until I witnessed a slew of minor inconveniences these past few days: from a friend forgetting to wake up early for an appointment, to spilling sauce on their clothes, to another friend’s joke gone wrong, to me knocking over a pot of skincare leading to maybe three days’ worth of product literally down the drain. I also dreamt of hanging out with ex-friends like it was the good old days. (Haha. Yikes.) Then I remembered—oh right, it’s Venus retrograde and Mercury retrograde period.
Venus has been in retrograde since March 1, and will be in this transit until April 12. Meanwhile, Mercury will be in retrograde tomorrow, March 15, and will be there until April 7. Plus, it’s a full moon (and lunar eclipse!) tonight, March 14.
Let’s break down what that means for a second.
Venus is the planet of love, money, beauty, and art. It rules over our passions and what we find valuable. Venus is all about how we express our desires, how we experience pleasure, how we socialize and approach relationships, how we attract others, and what we’re attracted to.
Mercury, on the other hand, is the planet of communication, intellect, and thinking. It influences the way we express, interact, and process information. It also rules travel, technology, and trade.
So when these planets are in retrograde—meaning from our perspective on Earth, the planets appear to move in reverse (they don’t actually move in reverse, it just looks that way!)—astrologers consider this a time to reflect, review, slow down, or reevaluate in the areas the planets in retrograde rule.
(Taking it a step further, the zodiac sign in which the retrogrades happen also influences the themes of these planetary retrogrades!)
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While many think planetary retrogrades are negative (thanks to the challenges we face or become more mindful of during this time), it’s not actually a bad thing. And as much as the memes keep blaming things on Mercury retrograde, what these retrogrades really do, is prompt us to pause and reflect.
Retrogrades often bring to light areas of our life that need more attention, so take this chance to look back and do the necessary work.
Navigating the retrogrades
The past few months have been a whirlwind for many of us, with January moving slowly, before going into overdrive in February. And I don’t know about you, but I have to admit I’ve had my days of just running on autopilot. The awareness of these retrogrades certainly helps in taking stock of what’s happening in our lives right now, and making the necessary changes or adjustments.
So to me who knocked over my pot of skincare, I guess is Venus’ way of making me rethink the value I’ve been attaching to my appearance lately (but that is not a story for this article).
General advice for this Venus retrograde involves avoiding making major decisions in the realms of relationships, finances, and beauty. That means maybe rethink (or hold off, if possible!) any cosmetic procedures or haircuts. Also, try to be more discerning with the things in your cart—do you really need to buy it now? Is it necessary?
Many astro girlies also recommend using this time instead to reflect. Re-examine the value you attach to beauty, money, and your relationships, and realign. Prioritize caring for yourself.
For this Mercury retrograde period, it’s also recommended to slow down. Too much haste will lead to mistakes; take your time, especially in matters revolving around communication. Double-check your messages and emails, back up your files, and think before you speak—or hold your tongue lest you say something that might lead to miscommunication! Most of all, be patient and extra understanding. Oh, and if you think traffic is extra bad lately (of course it’s the government’s fault, not the planets’, but still), this retrograde period, make sure you allot extra time in case of delays.
Crystals that might help
If you’re into tapping into the power of healing crystals, here are some commonly recommended crystals to work with.
But first, a word of advice (or caution): You don’t have to get all of these! Remember, being careful about your financial decisions is the priority. It’s best to pick one or two crystals that speak to you the most, and work with that specifically. (It’s also tough to work with so much energy from different crystals, so unless you’re an old hand at this, just stick to one or two.)
For clarity and focus:
- clear quartz
- fluorite
For peace and calm, to dispel anxiety, worry, or fear:
- howlite
- amethyst
- prehnite
- amazonite
- black tourmaline
- fluorite
- chrysocolla
For protection:
- black tourmaline
- hematite
For better understanding:
- labradorite
- rose quartz
For clear communication
- amazonite
- aquamarine
- lapis lazuli
For love:
- rose quartz
For financial assistance:
- agate
- citrine