30 moms with advocacies, causes singled out and feted | Lifestyle.INQ
PHILIPS Avent’s Circle of 30 Trusted Moms
PHILIPS Avent’s Circle of 30 Trusted Moms


Philips Avent, maker of baby products, has announced its Circle of 30 Trusted Moms.


“A mom is someone who strives to give the best for her family without compromising quality while she faces the challenge of being a mother every single day,” said Me-Ann Achacoso, business development manager.


The search was conducted online through Facebook, March 19-April 30.


Criteria were 20-percent Facebook likes; 20-percent Facebook sharing; and 60-percent jurors’ decision.



“The 30 Trusted Moms represent women from various sectors of society who have journeyed with Avent over the past 30 years,” Achacoso said. “It is our way of thanking these moms for choosing us and letting us be a part of their motherhood.”


Philips Avent is marking its 30th anniversary this year.


Many of those chosen had advocacies and causes. May Aceron, a mother of two, is an advocate of tandem nursing and prolonging breastfeeding.


“I’ve been a longtime user of Philips Avent,” she said. “I am a supporter of breastfeeding and an avid advocate of tandem nursing. I also still nurse my 3-year-old and 1-year-old. Not everyone is really into prolonging breastfeeding and it’s not really accepted here in the Philippines, so I want to push this.”


First-time mom Christine Querubin advocates milk donation. “I want to push breastfeeding to a higher level. Go beyond just breastfeeding for your child. You will feed your son or daughter? That’s easy. But are you ready to feed other babies?”


Single mother Bea Benedicto said she believes in empowering single moms. “I don’t want women like me to hide behind the name. After all, not everyone is given the chance to both be a

MEANN Achacoso

mother and a father. We have to be proud of ourselves.”


Philips Avent offers products that help moms from pregnancy until the toddler stages. It has many loyal users.


“We are very thankful for the trust that moms have given Philips Avent throughout the years,” said Angelia Oh, general manager of Philips Consumer Lifestyle. “Rest assured that Philips [will] continue providing quality products that will help them fulfill what they need in their daily lives as mothers.”


Read the full stories of the Philips Avent 30 Trusted Moms on www.facebook.com/PhilipsAventPH. Log on to www.philips.com.ph. Call customer hotline at tel. 6679000 in Metro Manila (MM) or 1-800-10-7445477 outside MM.

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