43 terms every runner should know | Lifestyle.INQ

OCTOBER 27, 2022

43 terms every runner should know

Runners have a language all their own and if you want to walk the walk, you have to learn how to talk the talk

When I was new in running, I was so naïve with the running terms. I didn’t even know simple terms like pace and stride and I even dared to ask, “What’s DQ? Is that the ice cream shop?” Of course, that raised so many eyebrows. Here is a list of running terms I came across so that you don’t have to learn what they mean the hard way like I did.

10 Percent Rule – a general guideline of increasing your weekly mileage by not more than 10 percent per week.

Bandit – an unregistered runner who runs along the course of an official race.

Carb-loading – everyone’s favorite part of training because this is when you are given the license to indulge in high carbohydrate foods like pasta, rice, and bread a day prior to your race to increase muscle glycogen

Chafing – painful scab-like markings on your skin caused by friction between the fabric and your skin. Common sites are inner thighs, armpits, and nipples.

Cool Downslow running done after an intensive run to loosen muscles and help your heart rate return safely to its normal resting level.

Cross Training – other physical activities you do besides running.

DNF – Did Not Finish

DNS – Did Not Start

DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)muscle soreness that normally occurs 48 hours after an intense or long run.

Doubles or Double Run – doing two runs in a day with at least an eight-hour rest in between.

DQ – disqualified

Fartlek – a speed play in the middle of a workout; consists of a moderately paced run interspersed with sudden short bursts, which have no set distance; recommended for beginners who want to increase their speed.

Ghost Runner – a runner who you use to motivate you, who is on your heels and about to pass you.

Hit the Wall – a point during a race when your muscle glycogen gets depleted, you run out of energy, and everything hurts.

Hypoxia – shortness of breath as a result of starting too fast during the first few minutes of your run

Intervals or Repetitions – short but faster training done alternately with a slower recovery run.

Ladder — an interval workout in which you increase your interval lengths (200-400-600-800m) while cutdown is the opposite, and pyramid is the combination of the two. Another interval workout is hill repeats, which are fast uphill bursts with recovery run downhill in between.

ITBS (Iliotibial Band Syndrome) – an inflammation of the iliotibial band; an overuse running knee injury that runs along the side of the leg, starting from the hip all the way down to the knee.

Junk Miles – easy pace runs just to fill up your weekly or monthly mileage.

Finishing Kick – others call it last sprint, running harder towards the finish line.

LSD (Long Slow Distance) – easy pace or as my friends call it “chicka pace,” usually 20 to 30 percent of your usual weekly mileage and done only once a week.

Marathon – 26.2 miles or 42 kilometers. Newbies are always confused with this.

Negative Splits – running the second half of the race faster than the first half.

Piriformis Syndrome – buttock pain.

Plantar Fasciitis – chronic foot pain.

Plyometrics – jumping exercises in which muscles exert maximum effort to help you burn more calories in lesser time.

PR – Personal Record

Rabbit – a runner who sets a fast pace at the start but ends up dropping down the pace.

Recovery Run – easy run after a race or a hard workout.

RICE – Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate

Road Kill – a runner who has been passed by a faster runner, in colloquial terms: natuhog

Runchies – the hungry feeling, when you come back from a very long run or race like you can eat anything.

Runners High – short-term euphoria, feeling happy and elated, after a long distance run.

Runner’s Knee – pain around or behind the knee caused by doing too much too soon, overused, wrong or worn-out running shoes, and/or running along uneven pavement.

Runner’s Trots – a gastrointestinal problem that causes bathroom breaks during the race, characterized by flatulence, cramping, and diarrhea.

Shin Splints – pain in front of your leg, between the knee and ankle.

Side Stitch – stabbing pain at the side and under the lower edge your ribcage while running.

Streaking – refers to consecutive days of running.

Taper – cutting back mileage one week before race day to help muscles rest and be ready for the big day.

Tempo Run – running at a sustained effort for 20 to 30 minutes at 10 to 15 seconds slower than your 10K race pace.

VO2 Max – maximum amount of oxygen that a person can consume during running. It is one factor that determines a runner’s capacity to perform sustained exercise.

Warm Up – consists of five to 20 minutes of stretching, running, and other exercises to increase heart rate and help circulate blood to the muscles.  It also helps to prevent injuries.

Yasso 800’s – Named after Bart Yasso who formulated the program where you run 10 x 800m at race pace. According to him, doing this for four to five months before your marathon can determine your marathon finish time.

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