Hail to the (Sir) Chief
When photographer Jill Lejano’s mom learned that we were on our way to interview Richard “Sir Chief” Yap, she shrieked and demanded we bring home an autographed photo.
When photographer Jill Lejano’s mom learned that we were on our way to interview Richard “Sir Chief” Yap, she shrieked and demanded we bring home an autographed photo.
My husband and I have recently started taking “yaya-less” vacations in a move that would help us invest more time in our children. It’s almost a paradox since most people’s main concern before a baby is born is to find a suitable nanny, then at some point realize that their children respond only to the nanny and not the parents.
The last few weeks have been pretty hectic. Actually, the last few months, or maybe year, but who’s counting? Whatever it is, it’s these last few weeks and the next couple of months that were and will truly be in the “running-around-like-a-headless-chicken” category.
A family with two toddlers boarded a Manila-bound bus from Baguio recently. The toddlers spent the entire six-hour trip screaming, screeching, hollering, crying and fighting.
The Debenhams Spring-Summer ’13 collection for kids is for the little traveler.
When I was little, my pediatrician was my mom’s aunt, Lola Bongie. My mom took pride in how none of her four children was ever confined in a hospital, and attributed it to Lola Bongie’s expertise.
A few weeks ago, I received an e-mail about a child supposedly being kidnapped in an upscale mall.
Our prom commandments from last week’s issue received a lot of attention. The funniest reaction by far was from Jayson Brizuela, who wrote on Facebook, “I STILL DO NOT GET IT. Why would I spend so much for prom just so some pesky, pimply-faced, horny, teenage dude can ‘take out’ my daughter? There should be a law against offending paternal sensibilities. Dads unite!”
It’s prom season once again— and for every teenager excitedly choosing her dress, her shoes, his date, his corsage, there’s a set of parents flitting about in the background, also excited, but also a little stressed.
The first time I heard about “The Gruffalo” was months ago. I was having breakfast with two girlfriends, and we were trying to think of fun activities for our kids.
The latest in global fashion, beauty, and culture through a contemporary Filipino perspective.